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Surgeons Successfully Transplanted A Pig Kidney Into A Human- And It Worked

Dead Pig Brain Function Partially Restored

A surgical team led by Dr. Robert Montgomery at the New York University’s Longone Health facility successfully transplanted a pig kidney into a human recipient last month, The Guardian reported. This marks the first instance where a kidney has been transplanted from a different organism, scientifically known as xenotransplantation, and has not been rejected by …

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Ethics of Wearables: How Health Providers Use Health Data Insights from Wellness Technology

Ethics of Wearables: How Health Providers Use Health Data Insights from Wellness Technology

Wearable devices have opened new possibilities for personal fitness, enabling proactive individuals to set personal health and wellness goals, chart progress, and challenge themselves to reach higher standards. While wearables offer a number of applications for individual health, they also present some significant ethical concerns. In particular, questions have arisen about the role of organizations …

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Understanding the Pros and Cons of Genetic Testing

Bone Marrow Transplant Changes Man’s DNA

In recent years, the field of genetic testing has risen in both prominence and popularity. Through advances in research, science and medical technology, physicians now offer robust genetic screenings to their patients. These screenings can accomplish a variety of things, including helping patients discern their risk for certain diseases and assisting expectant mothers in monitoring …

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Meat: Rethink That Blame And Shame Game

Meat: Rethink That Blame And Shame Game

Just because something is “plant-based” doesn’t necessarily mean it is automatically good for you. Plant-based “meat” currently enjoys the perception of being touted as being healthier than real meat, but this genetically engineered artificial goo has more sodium as well as calories than real meat, and it can cause weight gain. Hypocritically many claim organics …

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Brain Implants May One Day Make Humans Telepathic

Brain Implants May One Day Make Humans Telepathic

Brain computer interfaces may soon be used to help humans essentially communicate telepathically according to a new report about neural implant technology by the Royal Society reviewed in The Independent. Some of the more exciting prospects of brain computer interfaces using artificial intelligence were covered in the report, but it also warned that hooking up …

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When Is The Quest For Anti-Aging Going Too Far?

Stickers May Save Lives

With all the breakthroughs, new drugs being developed, stem cells, senolytics, and the elixir of youth seeming to be appearing on the horizon, is there a need to draw the line, and if so when? Senolytics may eliminate senescent cells effectively stalling the aging process and increase human health span; animal experiments have shown them …

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World’s First Gene Edited Babies?

World’s First Gene Edited Babies?

Scientist He Jiankui claims to have helped to create the world’s first genetically edited babies, twin girls which were said to have been born this month; whose DNA he says he altered with powerful gene editing tools; if his claims are true this would be a profound leap of both science and ethics. Although this …

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