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Metabolic physiology: New approach against fatty liver

Some People Diagnosed With Dementia May Actually Have Liver Disease

Fatty liver disease (steatotic liver disease, SLD for short) is increasingly causing failure of the liver as a vital organ. A team led by researchers from the Institute of Metabolic Physiology at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU) in collaboration with the German Diabetes Centre (DDZ) and other partners has now discovered that a saturated fatty …

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Can Exercise Turn Back The Clock In Aging Muscles?

Stop The Clock: Rules For Immortality

Exercise is called a drug-free polypill that can benefit nearly everyone by many physicians because it can help prevent and treat many chronic diseases at a low cost that are associated with aging. More to it, exercise-induced changes reprogram the epigenetic expression of fibers to a more youthful state. So, to answer the question “Can …

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Hidden Fat May Be Fueling Rapid Aging And Disease

Hidden Fat May Be Fueling Rapid Aging And Disease

Stubborn belly fat can be especially hard to lose, this type of fat can be subcutaneous (just below the skin), but it often includes visceral fat that goes deep within the abdominal cavity and surrounds our internal organs. This study published in the journal Molecular Aspects of Medicine identified another type of fat and found …

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Anger and Your Heart: More Reasons to Learn Some Ways to Chill Out

Anger and Your Heart: More Reasons to Learn Some Ways to Chill Out

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, a best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. Everyone has heard of someone angry, yelling, and then dropping dead. Why? Provoked anger …

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Prescribing Behavioral Changes: Lifestyle Medicine

Prescribing Behavioral Changes: Lifestyle Medicine

Rather than treating the symptoms of the disease, some doctors treat for health to target the root causes of the disease. When doctors treat for health rather than disease, it is sometimes called lifestyle medicine, and this is a specialty within the field of modern medicine. Lifestyle medicine uses therapeutic lifestyle interventions as a primary …

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Sports: Staying Active And Have Fun As We Age

Sports: Staying Active And Have Fun As We Age

Throughout our lives, we are encouraged to stay active and have fun, this is where sports can come in and accomplish both in one task. Sports are fun to play at any age, and there are a variety of sports appropriate for a range of physical levels. It is important to stay physically active and …

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Brain Training: Is It Really Use It Or Lose It?

Brain Training: Is It Really Use It Or Lose It?

The term “use it or lose it” has been used for countless things, lately, it is being used to convey the message that cognitive health can be preserved or improved with mentally stimulating activities. Numerous modifiable risk factors are associated with the loss of cognitive abilities with age, and a cognitively active lifestyle may have …

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Holistic Health: Effective Strategies for Achieving Weight Loss and Overall Wellness

Holistic Health: Effective Strategies for Achieving Weight Loss and Overall Wellness

Achieving weight loss and overall wellness is a multifaceted journey that extends beyond mere diet and exercise. Embracing a holistic approach can lead to sustainable and long-term success, integrating physical, mental, and emotional health. This article explores effective strategies that can help you achieve a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Weight Loss and Overall Wellness: Understanding Holistic …

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Should Physical Activity Goals Be In Minutes Or Steps?

Should Movement Goals Be In Minutes Or Steps?

Current physical activity guidelines do not recommend a specific step count for health, now a new study from Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) suggests that both step count and time-based exercise targets are equivalently associated with lower risks of early death and cardiovascular disease. Monitoring your step count and/or movement duration has become increasingly easier …

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The Metabolic Revolution: 32nd Annual Spring Congress Takeaways

The Metabolic Revolution: 32nd Annual Spring Congress Takeaways

From May 3-5, West Palm Beach, Florida, hosted the 32nd Annual A4M Spring Congress, an event that continues to shake the industry and challenge the boundaries of conventional medical care. Fueled by a collective commitment to transforming lives, thousands of health professionals gathered to engineer a future where merely surviving is no longer the norm …

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