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Promising New Way To Diagnose Ovarian Cancer

Exercise Is Medicine For Cancer And Every Dose Counts, Even In Late Stages

A new study from Nagoya University published in the journal Science Advances reports that they have identified three previously unknown membrane proteins in ovarian cancer and by using a technology consisting of nanowires with polyketone coatings were able to capture the proteins, possibly demonstrating a new detection method for identifying ovarian cancer. Discovering new biomarkers …

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Researchers reveal why shingles can lead to stroke

Researchers reveal why shingles can lead to stroke

Scientists investigating why people who have had shingles are at a higher risk of stroke, now believe the answer lies within lipid vesicles called exosomes that shuttle proteins and genetic information between cells, according to new research from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. The study, published today in The Journal of Infectious Diseases, …

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Smart Contact Lenses For Cancer Diagnostics And Screening

Glucose Monitoring Contact Lens

Scientists from the Terasaki Institute for Biomedical Innovation (TIBI) have developed a contact lens that can capture and detect exosomes, nanometer-sized vesicles found in bodily secretions which have the potential for being diagnostic cancer biomarkers. The lens was designed with microchambers bound to antibodies that can capture exomes found in tears.  This antibody-conjugated signaling microchamber …

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New evidence of how exercise can counter diabetes damage

Synthetic Hinge Could Hold Key To Revolutionary 'Smart' Insulin Therapy

One way exercise can counter the damage of diabetes is by enabling activation of a natural system we have to grow new blood vessels when existing ones are ravaged by this disease, scientists report. Angiogenesis is the ability to form new blood vessels, and diabetes not only damages existing blood vessels, it hinders this innate …

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Researchers Develop A New Way To Find Cancer At The Nanometre Scale

Researchers Develop A New Way To Find Cancer At The Nanometre Scale

Diagnosing and treating cancer can be a race against time. By the time the disease is diagnosed in a patient, all too often it is advanced and able to spread throughout the body, decreasing chances of survival. Early diagnosis is key to stopping it. In a new Concordia-led paper published in the journal Biosensors and …

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Reviving Cells After A Heart Attack

Reviving Cells After A Heart Attack

Researchers from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences have unravelled the potential healing mechanisms of extracellular vesicles and demonstrate their healing power on a heart-on-a-chip capacity to revive cells after a heart attack and keep cells functioning while they are deprived of oxygen during a heart attack.  Evs are nanometer-sized …

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Preclinical Study Shows Improvement In Recovery From Heart Attack With Exosomes

Stem Cells May Be Universally Transplanted

Recovery from experimental heart attacks can be improved with an injection of a mixture of heart muscle cells, endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells, but results are limited by poor engraftment and retention, plus there are concerns about potential tumorigenesis and heart arrhythmia.  Recent animal research in pigs has shown that using the exosomes naturally …

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Promising Hair Regrowth Research

Dementia and Alzheimer’s is Now an Epidemic in America

North Carolina State University researchers have identified a microRNA that plays an important role in regulating the pathway involved in follicle regeneration that may help to promote hair regeneration, which might be a candidate for future drug development.  Healthy hair growth depends on the health of dermal papillae cells that regulate hair follicle growth cycles. …

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FDA Warning Notification On Exosome Products

FDA Warning Notification On Exosome Products

The US FDA has released a public safety notification on exosome products to inform patients, healthcare practitioners, and clinics about multiple recent reports of serious adverse events experienced in Nebraska by those who were treated with unapproved products marketed as containing exosomes that were brought to attention by the CDC and the Nebraska Department of …

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Exosomes: Possible Target For Cancer Immunotherapy

Exosomes: Possible Target For Cancer Immunotherapy

RNA molecules were once thought to do their work inside cells, but it has become clear that RNA molecules are also active outside of the cell, with potentially major implications for health. NIH launched the Extracellular RNA Communication Program roughly 5 years ago to investigate unrecognized roles such as these. Recently researchers described progress in …

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