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Extended Longevity May Be Coming Soon To You

Extended Longevity May Be Coming Soon To You

Aging has been delayed in animal models, and human data shows partial age delay and reversal using existing therapies. Advances in technology and research are driving innovation into fields that affect our ability to live well as we age. Science is making living longer possible, and we are just beginning to realize the opportunities longevity …

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Exosomes: The Rising Star

Exosomes: The Rising Star

Exosomes may be the rising star for drug delivery as many companies are hoping to use these lipid vesicles to package small molecules, proteins, RNA drugs, and even use exosomes as therapies themselves. Until recently only a handful of researchers gave thought to these tiny bubbles released from cellular couriers that are packaged with molecular …

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Key Substance For Brain Cell Regeneration Found

Plan To Target Causes Of Alzheimer’s Disease

Scientists have cultivated a nano-scale substance from stem cells that can repair damaged brain nerves which may open new paths for the development of a cure for neurological and degenerative diseases. The team from Taiwan’s National Health Research Institute extracted exosomes carrying repairing signals from stem cells that exist in body fat and marrow using …

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Exosomes Derived From Human Adipose Tissue Alleviated Atopic Dermatitis

Exosomes Derived From Human Adipose Tissue Alleviated Atopic Dermatitis

Exosomes are nano sized vesicles constantly released by most cells. Ability to travel between cells and deliver cargo such as proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids makes them good candidates for cell free therapy options to treat a variety of diseases. In this study human adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stem cell derived exosomes are investigated for …

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Exosomes From Stem Cells Might Be A Big Piece In The Fight Against Aging

Exosomes From Stem Cells Might Be A Big Piece In The Fight Against Aging

Mechanisms of the anti-aging effect of the hypothalamic neural stem/progenitor cell could be attributed to exosomes,… A narrow population of hypothalamic stem cell are directly fighting aging of the murine body via mechanisms involving exosomes, the brain and aging, according to hypotheses from researchers at the lab of Dongcheng Cai, as published in Nature International …

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Possible Miracles Of Exosomes

Adult Stem Cells Anti-Aging Potential

Extracellular vesicles have emerged as important mediators of intercellular communication, and have gained interest for therapeutic potential as treatment itself and as biomarker of several pathologies. Research covers a wide range of aspects from basics to manipulation for therapeutic purposes and immunomodulatory to regenerative potential. Exosomes are extracellular vesicles released from cells upon fusion of an …

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Stem Cell Based Stroke Treatment


A new treatment called AB126 for stroke has been developed by researchers at the University of Georgia and ArunA Biomedical that decreases brain damage and accelerates the brain’s natural healing tendencies that could be ready for human clinical trials next year, as published in the journal Translational Stroke Research. A new treatment called AB126 for …

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