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Investing in Immortality: The Multibillion-Dollar Longevity Science and Anti-Aging Industry

The Regenerative Medicine Market: Current State and Future Outlook

Coupled with a lack of sufficient prevention strategies and clinical interventions for age-related diseases, the enormous growth of the elderly population poses a significant socioeconomic and healthcare challenge worldwide. With life expectancy rising across the globe – save for the short-term declines caused by the COVID-19 pandemic – more patients are expected to suffer from …

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Life Expectancy For American Men Keeps Decreasing

Life Expectancy For American Men Keeps Decreasing

It would appear as if the life expectancy for American men has peaked and it is now in a modest but steady decline since 2014, which may be driven by deaths of despair, and the rising income inequality in America influencing health comes. The average life expectancy of American men declined to 76.1 years, while …

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Healthy Lifestyle Choices Helps Longevity

Sedentary Habits Are Bad For The Brain

Research continues to show following five fairly simple healthy lifestyle habits can make a significant difference in life expectancy, for both sexes, the more you implement the more likely it is that you will live longer and more healthy. How is it that the USA spends the most on healthcare, yet despite efforts remains to …

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Life Expectancy By 2030

Life Expectancy By 2030

Average life expectancy will increase globally by 2030 of at least 65% for women and 85% for men, two time points help to define when life spans within populations are extending due to improvements in maternal, child health, and improved adult health, as published in the Lancet. In Europe French and Swiss women are being …

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Society-Wide Benefits of Delaying Aging

Society-Wide Benefits of Delaying Aging

Delayed aging could increase life expectancy by an additional 2.2 years, most of which would be spent in good health. Observing that: “Recent scientific advances suggest that slowing the aging process (senescence) is now a realistic goal … Yet most medical research remains focused on combating individual diseases,” Dana Goldman, from the University of Southern …

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