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Research Suggests That Positive Experiences In Close Relationships Are Associated With Better Physical Health


Social relationships influence physical health, but questions remain about the nature of this connection. New research in Social Psychological and Personality Science suggests that the way you feel about your close relationships may be affecting the way your body functions. Previous smaller-scale studies have examined the connection between relationship conflict or satisfaction with stress levels …

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Positive Experiences in Close Relationships Are Associated With Better Physical Health

Social Media Can Help Boost Weight Loss Success

Social relationships influence physical health, but questions remain about the nature of this connection. New research in Social Psychological and Personality Science suggests that the way you feel about your close relationships may be affecting the way your body functions. Previous smaller-scale studies have examined the connection between relationship conflict or satisfaction with stress levels …

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Early Life Experiences Can Have Long-Lasting Impact On Genes

Tumor Growth May Be Directly Fueled By High Fructose Corn Syrup

In the study published in Nature Aging, the scientists report that gene expression ‘memory’ can persist across the lifespan, and may present a novel target for improving late-life health. Lead author Dr. Nazif Alic (UCL Institute of Healthy Ageing, UCL Biosciences) said: “Health in old age partially depends on what a person experienced in their …

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