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Cranberries May Provide Runners With A Natural Boost

Cranberries May Help Improve Memory And Ward Off Dementia

Many athletes are on the lookout for ways to give themselves an extra little edge against their competitors that might help improve their performance. Now a recent study from Concordia published in the journal Physical Activity and Nutrition suggests that they may be able to find an all-natural boost in the common cranberry. The Concordia …

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Olive Oil By-Product Could Aid Exercise

Can Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Improve Impaired Brain Function? Yes, Says A New Study

New research has found that a natural by-product of olive oil production could potentially have antioxidant benefits and support exercise. The full open-access study has been published in the journal Nutrients.  The study, led by nutrition researchers at Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) and published in the journal Nutrients, is the first to examine the benefits …

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Rethinking the Role of Saw Palmetto Extract for Men with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in North America

How The Body Senses The Urge To Urinate

Expert panel concludes high-quality supplements containing plant extract native to Southeastern U.S. can be used to address symptoms for men with enlarged prostates An international panel of seven leading urologists from North America and Europe reviewed over 50 original clinical research studies and developed seven consensus statements outlined in their paper “Rethinking the Role of …

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Magnolia Bark Extracts Risks & Benefits

Uses For Peppermint Oil

Magnolia bark has been long used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat a variety of conditions ranging from depression to insomnia and gastrointestinal disorders as well as helping to improve oral health due to its calming, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.  The magnolol and honokiol lignans are the major active components. Honokiol helps to maintain …

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White Mulberry May Help With Weight Loss

White Mulberry May Help With Weight Loss

Native to China, white mulberry is well known and long used in traditional medicines as tinctures for toothache, remedies for colds and flus, as a mild laxative, and as a treatment for dizziness, high blood pressure, and diabetes according to historical texts.  In modern society the fruit and leaves of the mulberry tree are used …

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Garlic May Help To Rid Corns & Warts

Garlic May Help To Rid Corns & Warts

Warts and corns are some of the most common conditions to plague the skin. Warts are caused by a virus, while corns are caused by repetitive actions that cause too much pressure and friction. According to a study published in the International Journal of Dermatology garlic showed biological activities as a topical treatment which helped …

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Apple Extract May Promote Stem Cell Regeneration

Rejuvenating Stem Cells In Aging Mice Brains

Sungkyunkwan University researchers have investigated the proliferative effect of apple ethanol extract on human adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stem cells and human cord blood derived mesenchymal stem cells, and the molecular mechanisms behind its beneficial effects; the study has been published in the journal Nutrition Research. Adult stem cells have significant potential as treatment for …

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Mexican Ornamental Shown To Prevent Obesity

Mexican Ornamental Shown To Prevent Obesity

According to W.H.O obesity is a serious and growing health concern that is a worldwide epidemic. Drugs that are available to treat obesity have many side effects, but there are natural ways to help fight the condition including diet, exercise, and healthier lifestyle choices. Thevetia peruviana/yellow oleander seed has been suggested to help reduce weight …

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Grape Seed Extract as Adjunctive Cancer Therapeutic

Grape Seed Extract as Adjunctive Cancer Therapeutic

Grape seed extract appears to enhance the potency of chemotherapy drug, utilized to treat colon cancer. A number of previous studies have identified potent antioxidant capacity of grape seed extract, which is high in tannins. Amy Cheah, from the University of Adelaide (Australia), and colleagues utilized commercially available grape seed extract from which tannins were …

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Sea Buckthorn Berries Improve Cardiometabolic Markers

Sea Buckthorn Berries Improve Cardiometabolic Markers

Daily consumption of sea buckthorn berries and its extracts may promote metabolic and heart health, among overweight women. The deciduous shrub Hippophae (family Elaeagnacea) yields sea buckthorn berries – abundant in Vitamin C as well as flavanols. Petra S. Larmo, from the University of Turku (Finland), and colleagues  analyzed the effects of sea buckthorn and …

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