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Vaping After Tooth Extraction: Is It Safe?

Oral Health and Wellness: The Role of Oral Surgery in Dental Care

If you’ve recently had a tooth extracted, you may be wondering whether it’s safe to vape or if you need to take a break from your e-cigarette habit until your mouth has fully healed. Tooth removal, whether due to dental surgery, wisdom tooth extraction, or other oral procedures, requires time and care to recover properly. …

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The Future is Bright for Bio-Materials:  The Next Big Wave in the Fight for Better Healthcare

The study of drugs derived from natural sources is called pharmacognosy, and it is an important part of pharmaceutical research and development which includes the physicochemical, identification, cultivation, extraction, quality control, preparation, and biological assessment of drugs.   Plant root, leaf, stem, flower, animal, or plant extract may be used to isolate bioactive chemicals. Plant …

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