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Screen Time Effects on Eyes and How to Prevent Them

Screen Time Effects on Eyes and How to Prevent Them

An average American spends about 5 hours and 24 minutes on their phone every day. With so much time spent staring at screens, you might wonder: can all that screen time mess up our eyesight? There’s a lot of buzz about how our digital habits affect our health. Some studies have proven that extensive use …

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Reading Glasses: A High-Return Option for Those with Eye Issues

Reading Glasses: A High-Return Option for Those with Eye Issues

Reading glasses have become an increasingly popular tool for helping people to see small text and focus on fine details. In the United States alone, around 32.6 million people wear over-the-counter reading glasses, according to a report by The Vision Council. The same report mentioned that older adults are particularly fond of wearing reading glasses …

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Intermittent fasting for weight loss in people with type 2 diabetes

Research at a Glance: People with obesity and type 2 diabetes lost more weight using daily periods of fasting than by trying to restrict calories over a six-month period. Blood sugar levels lowered in people in both groups, and no serious side effects were observed. Around 1 in 10 Americans live with type 2 diabetes, …

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Breakthrough paves the way for next generation of vision implants

Eye-opening discovery about adult brain's ability to recover vision

A group of researchers from Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden, the University of Freiburg, and the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience have created an exceptionally small implant, with electrodes the size of a single neuron that can also remain intact in the body over time — a unique combination that holds promise for future vision …

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Smart Contact Lens Could Enable Wireless Glaucoma Detection

Smart Contact Lens Could Enable Wireless Glaucoma Detection

Approximately 3 million Americans have glaucoma, but that number could be higher as most people with early-stage glaucoma are not even aware that they have it, which is unfortunate because early treatment is key to reducing vision loss.  Detecting subtle increases in eye pressure can help doctors to diagnose glaucoma, however, this presents a more …

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Nearsightedness is at epidemic levels – and the problem begins in childhood

Children With ‘Lazy Eye' At Increased Risk Of Disease In Adulthood

Myopia, or the need for corrected vision to focus or see objects at a distance, has become a lot more common in recent decades. Some even consider myopia, also known as nearsightedness, an epidemic. Optometry researchers estimate that about half of the global population will need corrective lenses to offset myopia by 2050 if current …

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Three Reasons That Highlight How Crucial Regular Eye Exams Are

Could Bizarre Visual Symptoms Be a Telltale Sign of Alzheimer’s?

Healthy vision is essential for interacting with the world. Without it, kids face slowed development, adults can encounter employment and mental health difficulties, and seniors become more vulnerable to social isolation, accidents, and injuries. Despite this, plenty of people continue to neglect their eye health. The World Health Organization (WHO) states that over 2.2 billion …

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Epilepsy drug prevents brain tumors in mice with NF1

Epilepsy drug prevents brain tumors in mice with NF1

A drug used to treat children with epilepsy prevents brain tumor formation and growth in two mouse models of neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), according to a study by researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. NF1 is a genetic condition that causes tumors to grow on nerves throughout the body, including the …

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Changes In Eye Health And Chronic Kidney Disease

Risk Factors Of Chronic Kidney Disease

3D eye scans may reveal vital clues about kidney health that could help to track the progression of the disease, and this advance could revolutionize the monitoring of kidney disease which often progresses without symptoms in the early stages, allowing patients to make lifestyle changes that could reduce the risk of health complications. Using highly …

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Colored Contacts: Just Fashionable or Also Functional?

Glucose Monitoring Contact Lens

Contact lenses are among the most commonly used eyewear across the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 45 million people in the US regularly wear contact lenses. Arguably, a significant chunk of these wearers also use colored contacts, given that these are seeing massive demand. In fact, a …

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