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Insomnia Increases The Risk Of Stroke

Insomnia Increases The Risk Of Stroke

According to a study recently published in the AAN’s Neurology Journals, those who are struggling to fall asleep are more likely to experience a stroke, and those under the age of 50 face the greatest risk. Additionally, having 1-4 symptoms of insomnia carried a 16% increased risk of suffering a stroke.  A stroke refers to …

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New Report Outlines Most Common Symptoms Of 6 Cardiovascular Diseases

Lost Sense Of Smell May Be A Clue To Infection

News release highlights: A “state of the science” review details the most reported symptoms of 6 cardiovascular diseases (CVDs): heart attack, heart failure, valve disease, stroke, heart rhythm disorders, and peripheral artery and vein disease (PAD and PVD). There are important differences in symptoms between women and men. Depression, common across many CVDs, may influence …

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Limiting Food Intake To Daytime Shows Promising Metabolic Effects In Adults With Type 2 Diabetes

Limiting Food Intake To Daytime Shows Promising Metabolic Effects In Adults With Type 2 Diabetes

A new study published in Diabetologia (the journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes [EASD]) finds that following a time-restricted eating (TRE) protocol which limits food intake to a max 10-hour time window shows promising beneficial metabolic effects in adults with type 2 diabetes (T2D). The research was conducted by Prof Patrick …

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The Daniel Fast: 21 Days To Better Metabolic Health

The Daniel Fast: 21 Days To Better Metabolic Health

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. Can a dietary pattern described in an ancient Biblical text have relevance to the growing …

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On A Vegan Diet But Still Struggling With Your Weight? Here’s What To Do

Anti-Aging Tips From Dr. Joseph Maroon

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, best selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. Maybe you want to train for a 3-day hike, improve your blood pressure and …

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Anti-oxidants And Why They’re So Important

Antioxidant Making Old Blood Vessels Like New Again

The following article was written by Christine Bishara, MD who is the A4M member of the month, she practices preventive and personalized patient care, and believes in a proactive approach to healthcare. Dr. Bishara’s expertise is in integrative medical weight loss and gut health.  It is April 2, 2020  and if you had told me …

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Gobble Gobble: National Day Of Celebration And Excess

Gobble Gobble: National Day Of Celebration And Excess

Thanksgiving has become a national day of celebration and excess, but if people were to act more like the founding fathers we might actually live longer; in America this is in November, while Canada observes it in October. As Americans are headed off to visit with friends and family for what will for some be …

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Steps You Can Take To Help Prevent A Stroke

Very early blood pressure control confers both benefits and harms in acute stroke

Research suggests that you can take steps to start stroke prevention today to help protect yourself and avoid experiencing a stroke regardless of your age of family history. You are not able to reverse time or change your family history, but there are other risk factors that you can control as long as you are …

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Booty Bomb Blasts

Booty Bomb Blasts

Somethings will never change from being a child to adult such as giggling when you poot. Passing gas is a normal bodily function, and while you’re never too old to snicker at a toot, you should never trust them…I’m sorry, potty humour is not my favourite, but it’s definitely a solid number two, enjoy. Most …

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Brain Aging May Explain Why Time Seems To Fly By Quicker

Brain Aging May Explain Why Time Seems To Fly By Quicker

Over the years scientists have proffered various explanations as to why our sense of time moves faster as we get older may happen; now a new hypothesis is appearing from Duke University that has to do with the aging brain, as published in the journal European Review. Our sense of time moving faster with age …

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