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Maintaining A Poor Diet Associated With Depression And Anxiety

Good Foods = Good Moods

A study published in Nutritional Neuroscience suggests that eating a poor-quality diet makes our brains sad. The study of brain chemistry, structure, and diet quality carried out by the University of Reading, Roehampton University, Friesland Campina (Netherlands), and King’s College London found that maintaining a poor-quality diet can lead to brain changes that are associated …

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Menthyl Ester Compounds May Help To Fight Inflammation And Obesity

Menthyl Ester Compounds May Help To Fight Inflammation And Obesity

Around the World, the prevalence of obesity and inflammatory diseases are increasing and significantly contributing to the growing burden of lifestyle disorders like hypertension and diabetes. Unfortunately, there is a lack of naturally derived alternatives to help treat these issues. Now research published in the journal Immunology from the Tokyo University of Science reports synthesizing …

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Clogged arteries worsened by cells that behave like cancer cells

Clogged arteries worsened by cells that behave like cancer cells

Columbia University researchers have found cells inside clogged arteries share similarities with cancer and aggravate atherosclerosis, raising the possibility that anticancer drugs could be used to treat atherosclerosis and prevent heart attacks. Their study found that smooth muscle cells that normally line the inside of our arteries migrate into atherosclerotic plaques, change their cell identity, …

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Small Molecule Shows Early-Stage Promise for Repairing Myelin Sheath Damage

New Clues To Age Related Diseases & Food Spoilage

When treated with a novel protein function inhibitor called ESI1, mice that mimic the symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS) and lab-prepared human brain cells both demonstrated the ability to regenerate vital myelin coatings that protect healthy axon function. This breakthrough, published May 2, 2024, in Cell, appears to overcome difficulties that have long frustrated previous …

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Males Are Genetically Programmed To Burn More Fat While Females Recycle It

Do Women Age Differently From Men?

Research recently published in Nature Metabolism exploring how exercise affects the body reveals another male-female difference, suggesting that when vigorously working out, males are programmed to burn more fat while females are programmed to recycle it, at least in rats. Building on the findings from the rats, the researchers are now studying over 1,500 humans …

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Drug May Lower Triglycerides And Reduce Risk Of Heart Disease

Drug May Lower Triglycerides And Reduce Risk Of Heart Disease

An experimental drug called olezarsen may reduce levels of bad blood fats called triglycerides and lower the risk of heart disease, according to two studies that were recently published in The New England Journal of Medicine, and the drug could be approved in the near future for those with a rare condition called familial chylomicronemia …

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Kombucha May Kick Start Fat Metabolism

Kombucha May Kick Start Fat Metabolism

Kombucha tea is a fermented drink that is made with tea, sugar, bacteria, and yeast. Supporters suggest that this beverage can help to prevent and treat a range of health conditions from weight loss to cancer and high blood pressure. Research suggests that it may provide benefits similar to probiotic supplements such as combating inflammation, …

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Energy And Macronutrients Across Lifespan

Increasing plant-based offerings at hospitals can improve community health outcomes

Current research appears to be taking pointers from the past and is trending toward the concept of food as medicine, which is a philosophy in which food and nutrition are positioned within intervention to support health and wellness that dates back to the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates who once said: “Let food be thy medicine …

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Junk Food Diets Can Cause Long-Term Damage To The Brain

Typical Western Diet May Impair Brain Function

New research from the University of Southern California published in the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity on the effects of junk food diets reinforces scientific understanding of the gut-brain connection, finding that feasting on a high-fat sugary diet raises the possibility that a junk food-filled diet in teen years may disrupt brain memory ability for …

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You Can Gain More Than You Lose When Losing Extra Weight

You Can Gain More Than You Lose When Losing Extra Weight

When people are talking about weight management it is most often focused on what you can lose, but what you can gain is just as important. Being overweight carries a range of complications, and when it progresses to obesity it can turn into a complicated and long-term disease that plays a huge role in your …

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