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High Aerobic Fitness Does Not Protect Children From Metabolic Syndrome

Obesity: The Sugar Empire & Children’s Beverages

A study conducted in collaboration between the University of Jyväskylä and the University of Eastern Finland found that high aerobic fitness does not protect children from metabolic syndrome. The study also found that the amount of fat tissue in the body has distorted the results obtained in several previous studies on the protective effect of …

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Why We Gain Weight As We Get Older

Why We Gain Weight As We Get Older

Karolinska Institutet research in collaboration with Uppsala University and the University of Lyon has uncovered why we struggle to keep our weight under control as we get older, even if we don’t eat more or exercise less than when in our younger years: lipid turnover in fat tissue decreases with age, making it easier to …

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Fat Engineered into Blood Vessels


Adult stem cells extracted from one’s own fat tissue, then cultured into sheets, and rolled into tiny vessels performed as well as natural blood vessels on elastic contractility. Liposuction can provide the raw materials for growing new small-diameter blood vessels in the lab, reports a team from the University of Oklahoma (Oklahoma, USA),  Matthias Nollert …

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Chili Pepper Compound Helps to Fight Fat

Chili Pepper Compound Helps to Fight Fat

Capsaicin, the compound that gives chili peppers their heat, exerts molecular changes at the protein level, that may help to promote weight loss. While capsaicin has been studied for potential benefits in fighting obesity, the underlying molecular mechanism by which the chili pepper compound has been  observed to decrease calorie intake, shrink fat tissue, and …

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Fat Tissue As a Source of Stem Cells


Scientists from South Korea find that fat tissue may be a promising new source of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) Hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) possess the ability to regenerate and differentiate into many different kinds of cells. HSPCs are found in high quantities in the bone marrow, but the process of extracting …

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