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Loneliness May Be Harmful To Our Daily Health

Loneliness May Be Harmful To Our Daily Health

A study recently published during Loneliness Awareness Week in the journal Health Psychology suggests that loneliness may be harmful to our daily health. For this study, researchers from Penn State College of Health and Human Development and the Center for Healthy Aging were centered on understanding the subtleties of loneliness and how variations in daily …

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Can diet help with advanced breast cancer? All indications are positive

Working Out To Fight Back Against Breast Cancer Treatment Side Effects

Women with breast cancer who exclusively ate a whole-foods, plant-based diet lost weight, improved cholesterol levels and other key metabolic factors, had less fatigue, and perceived that they felt sharper mentally and generally more well. The outcomes are from a small study by researchers at the University of Rochester Medical Center and Wilmot Cancer Institute. …

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Green Tea: A Boost For Cognitive Function

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, a best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. In discussions with my patients at the Kahn Center for Cardiac Longevity, a routine …

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Digital Eye Strain: How to Protect Your Eyes from Screens

Overlooking The Importance Of Eye Health

Computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones have become daily working essentials. While these digital technologies have helped people stay efficient, they can also cause health problems such as Digital Eye Strain (DES). Digital Eye Strain (DES) or computer vision syndrome refers to several eye conditions caused by high screen time. Without proper screen time management, digital …

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Qigong: A Gentle Form Of Exercise

Qigong: A Gentle Form Of Exercise

Qigong is a physical activity that aims to optimize energy within the body, mind and spirit with the goal of improving and maintaining health and well-being.  Qigong is a system of coordinated mind-body exercise forms that uses posture, meditation, breathing, and movement to increase energy and enables the body to heal itself to promote overall …

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‘Anti-Hunger’ Molecule May Transform Weight Loss

FDA Recalls Extended Release Metformin Due To Impurities

Weight loss that is caused by a common diabetes drug has been tied to an ‘anti-hunger’ molecule in a Stanford Medicine study published in Nature Metabolism, finding that the commonly prescribed drug stimulates the production of lac-phe which is a molecule that is found in abundance after exercising. The ‘anti-hunger’ molecule lac-phe was discovered by …

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Understanding the Psychological Impact of Solo Remote Work

Understanding the Psychological Impact of Solo Remote Work

The work landscape has undergone a profound transformation in recent years, with an increasing number of individuals opting for remote work arrangements. One form of remote work that has gained traction is solo remote work, where individuals operate independently from their colleagues in a remote setting. While this setup offers flexibility and freedom, it also …

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Mimicking exercise with a pill

The benefits of exercise in a pill? Science is closer to that goal

Doctors have long prescribed exercise to improve and protect health. In the future, a pill may offer some of the same benefits as exercise. Now, researchers report on new compounds that appear capable of mimicking the physical boost of working out — at least within rodent cells. This discovery could lead to a new way …

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Scrolling Social Media May Be Ruining Your Fitness Progress

Scrolling Social Media May Be Ruining Your Fitness Progress

A randomized controlled trial published in PubMed suggests that scrolling social media before a workout may be detrimental to your progress, finding that the habit leads to a 29% decrease in workout performance due to mental fatigue.  This study investigated the possible effects of mental fatigue induced by smartphone social media use on volume load …

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Recognizing POTS: Learn to Spot This Mysterious Condition

Recognizing POTS: Learn to Spot This Mysterious Condition

A condition called POTS can have a huge impact on a person’s life. People with POTS often feel lightheaded or dizzy when standing up from a lying position. Their heart tends to race. They may even faint. Other symptoms can include extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, and trouble thinking. “POTS can be quite debilitating. It …

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