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Do You Take Your Shoes Off At The Door?

Shoes Inside The Home

Some people don’t, some people strictly do, but what does science have to say about wearing your shoes inside your home that you have been wearing outside of your home. Perhaps you take your shoes off at the door for relief or you don’t want to track dirt across clean carpets and floors.  This is …

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Hep A Has Become A Health Emergency In Florida

Hep A Has Become A Health Emergency In Florida

Hepatitis A is a viral disease that used to be common, however recently cases of infection are escalating to a worrying point and the state of Florida has declared hepatitis A to be a health emergency. Hep A affects the liver can occur when a person eats food or drinks water that has been contaminated …

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Using Mobile Devices While On The Toilet

Behind The Bathroom Door

Using your mobile device while on the toilet carries some dirty consequences for health including hemorrhoids among other things. Bathrooms used to be filled with dog eared paper backs, newspapers, and back issues of magazines, basically all the reading material one might need while doing their business. These days paper reading material in the restroom …

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