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Groundbreaking News: First In-Utero Brain Surgery

IMC Has Taken The First Step To Challenge The FDA

According to an American Heart Association release, a fetal intervention team successfully devised a pioneering in-utero procedure recently used during a first-of-its-kind fetal procedure to fix a potentially deadly vascular malformation in the brain, with hopes of avoiding heart failure and brain injury after birth, the groundbreaking procedure has been published in the journal Stroke …

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World's first stem cell treatment for spina bifida delivered during fetal surgery

Human Placed Into Suspended Animation

Three babies have been born after receiving the world’s first spina bifida treatment combining surgery with stem cells. This was made possible by a landmark clinical trial at UC Davis Health. The one-of-a-kind treatment, delivered while a fetus is still developing in the mother’s womb, could improve outcomes for children with this birth defect. Launched …

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The End Of Government Medical Research Using Fetal Tissues

The End Of Government Medical Research Using Fetal Tissues

Government officials have announced that it is ending medical research by government scientists using human fetal tissue, disregarding advice from scientists reminding that such research has led to lifesaving medical advances. In a statement Health and Human Services Department announced policy changes will not affect privately funded research, and government funded research conducted by universities …

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Can All Immature Cells Develop Into Stem Cells?

Can All Immature Cells Develop Into Stem Cells?

University of Copenhagen research published in Nature suggest that the destiny of intestinal cells may not be predetermined rather instead be determined by the cell’s surroundings, findings may make it easier to manipulate stem cells for therapies. All cells in the fetal gut have the potential to develop into stem cells according to the study …

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