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Growth Factor Impacts Fat And Carb Metabolism

Could Obesity Be Fought With A Glaucoma Drug?

New roles for BP3 have been shown for regulating carbohydrate and lipid metabolism that overlaps effects of endocrine FGF19 and FGF21; BP1 and BP3 proteins share cysteine residues but have distinct C terminal FGF binding domains, as published in Scientific Reports. Fibroblast growth factor binding protein 3 binds to FGF19, FGF21, and FGF23; interaction between …

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Cardio Better Than Strength Training For Metabolism?

Cardio Better Than Strength Training For Metabolism?

Researchers have come closer to understanding the diverse effects of different forms of training, showing that cardio training on an exercise bike causes up to 3 times as much increase in production of FGF21 hormones which has positive effects on metabolism than that of strength training with weights, as published in the Journal of Clinical …

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Type Of Exercises Affects Hormones Differently

Type Of Exercises Affects Hormones Differently

Cardio exercises and strength training affect the body differently with regards to types of hormones released into the blood, such as cardio exercises produces a greater amount of metabolic hormone FGF21 than strength training does, as published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation–Insight. Regardless of what form of exercise done it is done to improve …

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