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Battling Bloat

Listening to Your Body: Recognizing and Addressing Symptoms of GERD

At one point or another, almost everyone experiences a bout with battling gas and bloating. Bloating can make your abdomen feel larger than it is, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that your abdomen is distended. However, if you are struggling with bloating regularly it could be a symptom of a medical condition such as IBS …

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Nutritious Foods Worth Adding To A Balanced Diet

Nutritious Foods Worth Adding To A Balanced Diet

A balanced diet starts with making healthy sensible food choices. You don’t need to be a master chef to create nutritious and delicious meals, it just means being more conscious about what you are planning on eating. Luckily most of us have mobile phones that make it easier to look up things when we are …

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Improved Deliciousness: Chocolate With The Full Potential Of Cocoa

Improved Deliciousness: Chocolate With The Full Potential Of Cocoa

Here’s some good news for chocolate lovers, according to a study recently published in Nature Food, researchers from ETH Zurich have teamed up with the food industry chocolatiers to develop a type of whole fruit variety of dark chocolate that is more nutritious and sustainable than conventional varieties that harnesses the full potential of the …

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Debunking Big Myths About Fruits and Weight Loss

We’ve heard many people on social media—even fitness influencers—say something like, “Stop eating fruits if you want to lose weight!” “Here are the reasons why fruits aren’t as good as you think,” and so on.  Even whole foods like fruits have their own set of myths surrounding them when it comes to weight loss. But …

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Modern Industrialized Societies Are Losing Healthy Gut Microbes

Gut Bacteria Can Process Dietary Fiber into an Anti-Allergy Weapon, Finds New Study

Modern eating habits have shifted significantly from those of ancient humans, and this is impacting our intestinal flora (gut microbiome). A new study published in Science has found that humans are losing the microbes (cellulose-degrading bacteria) that turn fiber into food for a healthy digestive tract, especially in modern industrialized societies.  Fiber is well known …

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Forget About Snacking On Gummies Try Dried Fruit Instead

Forget About Snacking On Gummies Try Dried Fruit Instead

The next time you are packing lunch snacks or looking for an afternoon nibble and find yourself reaching for commercially available gummy fruit snacks, remember that only three types of fruit snacks meet the latest recommendations for high-nutritional snacks set by the federal dietary guidelines. According to recent research published in the journal Nutrients from …

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Refrigerate lettuce to reduce risk of E. coli contamination, researchers say

Microgreens and mature veggies differ in nutrients, but both might limit weight gain

Leafy green vegetables are important sources of dietary fiber and nutrients, but they can harbor harmful pathogens. In particular, lettuce has often been involved in outbreaks of foodborne illness across the U.S. A new study from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign examines factors that affect E. coli contamination on five different leafy greens – romaine …

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Daily Fiber Supplement May Improve Brain Function In 12 Weeks

Daily Fiber Supplement May Improve Brain Function In 12 Weeks

A daily fiber supplement improved brain function in adults in just 12 weeks according to a study published in Nature Communications from the School of Life Course & Population Sciences showing that this cheap addition to a daily routine can help to improve the performance in memory tests that are associated with early signs of …

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Pass The Potatoes Please

It's Not Them, It's You: Why Potatoes Don't Deserve Their Bad Reputation

Carbohydrate confusion and dietary patterns: unintended public health consequences of food swapping. It is more than just carbs; starchy veggies play a role in meeting our nutritional needs. Menu modeling shows that when we swap out starchy vegetables for grains it can lead to a declined intake of fiber and potassium which are two of …

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Gut Bacteria Can Process Dietary Fiber into an Anti-Allergy Weapon, Finds New Study

Gut Bacteria Can Process Dietary Fiber into an Anti-Allergy Weapon, Finds New Study

The intricate relationship that exists between humans and the gut microbiome has become a hot research topic, and scientists are constantly uncovering new reasons why a healthy diet can lead to a healthier life. Dietary fibers are a particularly important aspect of this connection. When we ingest these compounds, which are mainly found in plant-based …

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