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Fiber Helps to Reduce Pancreatic Cancer Risk

Fiber Helps to Reduce Pancreatic Cancer Risk

Italian team reports that consuming both soluble and insoluble fiber reduces the risk of pancreatic cancer by up to 60%. Previous studies have suggested that an increased dietary intake of fiber may lower the risks of death from cardiovascular, infectious, and respiratory diseases. E. Bidoli, from Centro di Riferimento Oncologico (Italy), and colleagues studied data …

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Fiber May Reduce Breast Cancer Risk

Antioxidant Foods Boost Women's Heart Health

For every 10 g per day increase in soluble fiber intake, a woman may reduce her risk of breast cancer by up to 26%. Numerous studies established the wide-ranging health benefits of fiber.  Most notably, increased dietary intake of fiber associates with lower risks of dying from cardiovascular, infectious, and respiratory diseases. D. Aune , …

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Fiber May Be Key in Countering Metabolic Syndrome

Fiber May Be Key in Countering Metabolic Syndrome

A diet high in fiber, but not necessarily low in saturated fat or cholesterol, associates with lower risks of heart disease and type II diabetes, in adolescents. Metabolic Syndrome is a condition characterized by central obesity, hypertension, and disturbed glucose and insulin metabolism.  As a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle and generally poor nutritional habits, …

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Dietary Fiber from Grains May Reduce Risks of Death

Fiber Confers Cardiovascular Protection

National Cancer Institute (US) researchers reveal that dietary fiber from grain sources helps to lower the risks of death from cardiovascular, infectious, and respiratory diseases. In that previous studies have suggested that consumption of dietary fiber may lower the risks of coronary heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers, National Cancer Institute (Maryland, USA) researchers investigated …

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Brown Rice May Slash Diabetes Risk

Brown Rice May Slash Diabetes Risk

Harvard School of Public Health (US) researchers find that two servings of brown rice a week can cut type-2 diabetes risk by up to 16%. Brown rice differs from white rice in both its processing and nutrient profile, as the former retains the other bran and germ portion of the grain thereby retaining most of …

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