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Promising Anti-Aging And Longevity Molecules

Promising Anti-Aging And Longevity Molecules

Regenerative, anti-aging, and longevity researchers have been working to find molecules that can help to improve and/or extend both human health and lifespan. This article gathers information on some of the most promising molecules to extend human healthspan and possibly lifespan. There are also a few honorable mentions at the end of the article.  This …

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Chemistry May Hold The Key To Better Health

Chemistry May Hold The Key To Better Health

Many people are not thrilled about the idea of living an extra 20 and having to deal with conditions such as arthritis, dementia, and heart problems. But these people aren’t taking into consideration what anti-aging and regenerative medicine research has to offer.  What if those extra years could be lived with much of the vigor …

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Fisetin Flavonoid May Be The Secret To Longevity

Fisetin Flavonoid May Be The Secret To Longevity

Reducing the burden of damaged senescent cells has been shown in previous studies to extend lifespans, and improve health, even if treatment is initiated late in life. Now the researchers from the Mayo Clinic and University of Minnesota Medical School faculty Laura J. Niedernhofer and Paul D. Robbins have demonstrated  aged mice treated with Fisetin …

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What is Fisetin?

What is Fisetin?

Fisetin is a safe natural flavonoid plant polyphenol compound found within numerous fruits and vegetables that may slow aging processes, helping people to live healthier and longer. Recently fisetin has been studied by researchers at the Mayo Clinic and The Scripps Research Institute and found that it may extend lives by roughly 10%, reporting no …

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Fisetin Within Strawberries Clears Senescent Cells

Strawberries Prevent Dementia and Cognitive Decline

In a recent mouse study fisetin has been found to clear senescent cells. The study can be found in EBioMedicine which was published by the prestigious LANCET; “Fisetin is a senotherapeutic that extends health and lifespan”. With age cells increasingly enter a state of senescence, normally apoptosis and the immune system clear these cells away, …

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Fisetin May Be An Effective Senolytic

Senolytic Drugs May Reverse Damage Caused By Senescent Cells

Senolytic compounds have been suggested in animal studies that show promise to possibly destroying enough senescent cells in mammals to be worth investigating for use as first generation rejuvenation therapies. Fisetin appears to reduce senescent cell load in many tissues by about 25-50%, which may translate to about 10 human years. Senescent cells accumulating is …

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Possible Way To Slow Aging

Eat The Rainbow

A natural product found within fruits and vegetables has been found to reduce the level of senescent damaged cells in the body caused by aging, as published in EBioMedicine. Even when treated late in life reducing the burden of senescent cells has been shown to extend life and healthspans. Treatment of aged mice with Fisetin …

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