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Is Your Sushi Safe?

Is Your Sushi Safe?

Sushi has fast become popular, in fact, it has become everyday fare around the World, with many people opting for sashimi and or raw fish when they want to treat themselves. But it is important to note that while sushi can be delicious it can also carry a health hazard for both individuals and society …

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Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Help To Prevent Hearing Loss

Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Help To Prevent Hearing Loss

Eating more fatty fish or taking an omega-3 fatty acid supplement every day may help you to prevent hearing loss according to research presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition: NUTRITION 2023, findings offer hope to billions of people around the world living with hearing impairments. The researchers report that blood …

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Americans Think That Food Tastes Better During Summer

Most people are excited about the change of season bringing about summer, welcoming the fun that comes along with it like lots of sunshine, beach days, seasonal foods, and cookouts. According to a random double-opt-in survey of 2,000 general population Americans conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Chinet, the majority of Americans think that food …

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The Power of Superfoods: Boosting Longevity and Nutrition

Are Ultra-Processed Foods Harmful? Experts Weigh The Evidence

If you want to improve your health, superfoods may fascinate you. Nutritionists associate these foods with exceptional qualities like aiding weight loss or healing illnesses. Also, superfoods are nutrient-rich, prevent diseases, boost longevity, and offer multiple health benefits beyond their nutritional value. Remember that maintaining a healthy lifestyle involves consuming a nourishing diet abundant in …

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New Antioxidants Found In Beef, Chicken, And Pork?

Red & White Meats Are Equally Detrimental For Cholesterol

Establishment of a highly sensitive detection method for imidazole dipeptide oxidation derivatives A recent study suggests that new antioxidants have been discovered in meat! Osaka Metropolitan University researchers developed a new protocol for selective and highly sensitive detection, discovering five types of 2-oxo-imidazole-containing dipeptides(2-oxo-IDPs) using mass spectrometry. The 2-oxo-IDPs, present in living organisms, exhibit very …

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Nanoplastics Can Move Up The Food Chain From Plants To Insects And From Insects To Fish

A new study from the University of Eastern Finland shows that lettuce can take up nanoplastics from the soil and transfer them into the food chain. The concern about plastic pollution has become widespread after it was realised that mismanaged plastics in the environment break down into smaller pieces known as microplastics and nanoplastics. It …

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Higher Fish Consumption May Be Associated With Increased Melanoma Risk

Eating Fish Once A Week Linked To Higher IQ And Better Sleep

Eating higher levels of fish, including tuna and non-fried fish, appears to be associated with a greater risk of malignant melanoma, suggests a large study of US adults published in Cancer Causes & Control. Eunyoung Cho, the corresponding author said: “Melanoma is the fifth most common cancer in the USA and the risk of developing …

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About 3 grams a day of omega-3 fatty acids may lower blood pressure, more research needed

Cardiovascular Mortality And Fish Oil

Press release research highlights: While there is some evidence that consuming omega-3 fatty acids in food or dietary supplements may reduce the risk of high blood pressure, the optimal amount to consume for this benefit is unclear. A review of dozens of studies suggests that the optimal amount of omega-3 fatty acids to consume to …

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New Article Outlines the Characteristics of a “Longevity Diet”

New Article Outlines the Characteristics of a “Longevity Diet”

USC Professor Valter Longo leads a review of research in animals and humans to identify how nutrition affects aging and a healthy lifespan. The “Longevity diet” is suggested to help people benefit from a longer healthspan and lifespan by fasting for half of the day and avoiding processed and red meats while favoring fish, plant-based …

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Consuming A Diet With More Fish Fats, Less Vegetable Oils Can Reduce Migraine Headaches, Study Finds

Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplements May Reduce Risk Of CVD & Heart Attack

A diet higher in fatty fish helped frequent migraine sufferers reduce their monthly number of headaches and intensity of pain compared to participants on a diet higher in vegetable-based fats and oils, according to a new study. The findings by a team of researchers from the National Institute on Aging (NIA) and the National Institute …

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