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The Longevity Doctor Will See You Now

The Longevity Doctor Will See You Now

A Look Inside the Exclusive World of Elite Longevity Clinics The field of longevity medicine is experiencing a surge in growth, with a focus on health optimization, disease prevention, and the desire to combat aging gaining momentum across the population. This pursuit of longevity has particularly captured the attention of the wealthy, as evidenced by …

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Improve Your Quality of Life by Incorporating Yoga Into It

Improve Your Quality of Life by Incorporating Yoga Into It

Incorporating yoga into your daily schedule is a great way to begin your fitness journey. You only need a yoga mat and a suitable place to do the yoga asanas, and you are good to go. Unlike the gym, you don’t need any equipment to do any postures. This hassle-free approach to yoga has made …

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Sports: Staying Active And Have Fun As We Age

Sports: Staying Active And Have Fun As We Age

Throughout our lives, we are encouraged to stay active and have fun, this is where sports can come in and accomplish both in one task. Sports are fun to play at any age, and there are a variety of sports appropriate for a range of physical levels. It is important to stay physically active and …

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How to Teach Pickleball in School's PE Class to Promote Kids Health

Pickleball: Helping People To Have Fun While Staying Fit

I used to love physical education (PE) when I was in high school, and unfortunately, pickleball hadn’t become the nation’s top growing sport when I was in school even though pickleball can be good for your health. As such, I was not able to learn pickleball and often had to settle with badminton or running. …

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The Metabolic Revolution: 32nd Annual Spring Congress Takeaways

The Metabolic Revolution: 32nd Annual Spring Congress Takeaways

From May 3-5, West Palm Beach, Florida, hosted the 32nd Annual A4M Spring Congress, an event that continues to shake the industry and challenge the boundaries of conventional medical care. Fueled by a collective commitment to transforming lives, thousands of health professionals gathered to engineer a future where merely surviving is no longer the norm …

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Gym Mistakes You Need to Stop Making

Gym Mistakes You Need to Stop Making

Imagine slogging away at the gym only to see minimal results. Well, it might not be your lack of effort that’s holding you back. It could be the gym mistakes you’ve been making.  From misconceptions about cardio to myths surrounding weightlifting, the fitness world is rife with misinformation that could be sabotaging your progress. It’s …

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Longer Sprint Intervals May Improve Muscle Oxygen Utilization

Longer Sprint Intervals May Improve Muscle Oxygen Utilization

Sprint interval training (SIT) is a form of exercise that is characterized by performing cycles of intense exercises that are interspersed by brief periods of rest.  A study recently published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise investigated the intricate connections among the various parameters of SIT, and the findings may assist …

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Is Pickleball Good For Your Health?

Pickleball: Helping People To Have Fun While Staying Fit

Are you considering picking up a paddle and trying your hand at pickleball, but you are wondering if pickleball is good for your health or how many calories you lose if you play pickleball? The purpose of this article is to look at studies that cover the following characteristics of pickleball to answer some common …

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Cardio Fitness Reduces Death And Disease By Close To 20%

Cardio Fitness Reduces Death And Disease By Close To 20%

Whether it be racquetball, swimming, running, cycling, rowing, pickleball, or rollerskating, if you exercise on a regular basis you are on track to living a long and healthy life according to research published in BJSM from the University of South Australia (UniSA) that found an increased cardio fitness level can help to reduce your risk …

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Exercise Incentives Lead to Sustained Increases In Activity

Are Your New Year Goals Attainable?

A study recently published in Circulation describes how adults with heart disease risks who received daily reminders or incentives to become more active increased their daily steps by more than 1,500 steps after a year, and many continue to stick with their new habit, according to the study supported by the NIH, the findings of …

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