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How to Teach Pickleball in School's PE Class to Promote Kids Health

Pickleball: Helping People To Have Fun While Staying Fit

I used to love physical education (PE) when I was in high school, and unfortunately, pickleball hadn’t become the nation’s top growing sport when I was in school even though pickleball can be good for your health. As such, I was not able to learn pickleball and often had to settle with badminton or running. …

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Family Adventures: Surprising Impact on Physical and Emotional Wellness

Family Adventures: Surprising Impact on Physical and Emotional Wellness

Families often find spending quality time together in today’s fast-paced world challenging. However, the benefits of engaging in family adventures go far beyond creating lasting memories. Recent studies show that these experiences have a significant impact on both physical and emotional well-being. This article will explore the benefits of family adventures, backed by compelling statistics. …

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How Biology Influences Fitness: Personalized Exercise

Studies Suggest To Get Active If You Want To Live Longer

Getting enough physical activity can make both your body and mind feel better. It can also help prevent or delay health problems. Now, researchers are looking for ways to find out which exercises may best suit your body. Different types of exercise can bring different health benefits. You can strengthen your bones with weights. Increase …

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Effective Ways To Drop Unwanted Pounds

Studies Suggest To Get Active If You Want To Live Longer

At one point or another, all of us have tried to lose some weight, with varying success. Success depends on a variety of reasons, such as some methods being more effective for some than others, motivation, effort put in, and some methods being better suited to certain skill levels. Most often people get derailed when …

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Being Flexible Is Key To Protecting Mental Wellbeing In Those With Chronic Pain

Being Flexible Is Key To Protecting Mental Wellbeing In Those With Chronic Pain

A new Edith Cowan University (ECU) study has found that for people living with chronic pain, it’s not necessarily how intense their pain is, but the extent to which it interferes with their daily life that can pose the biggest threat to their mental health. ECU researchers Tara Swindells and Professor Joanne Dickson surveyed more …

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Simple Tips To Help With Muscle Spasms

Simple Tips To Help With Muscle Spasms

Muscle spasms are an uncomfortable and painful experience resulting from various causes. It can be challenging to manage, resulting from an injury, overexertion, or genetic predisposition. Fortunately, you can use many different techniques to reduce the severity of your muscle spasm and prevent future occurrences from occurring again. These include: Heat therapy Heat therapy is …

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New research provides better understanding of skin’s durability

Dietary Fiber In The Gut May Help With Skin Allergies

As someone who has extensively studied what nature has produced, Associate Professor Guy German likes to tell his students: You think you’re a good engineer, but evolution is a better one. Reinforcing this point is newly published research from German’s lab regarding the structure of human skin and the amount of damage it can sustain. …

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Individualized eating program helps dieters lose weight, keep it off

Laser Light, A Dye and A Nonsurgical Implant Could Help Overcome Obesity

An individualized diet program that empowers users to create their own plan based on targeted levels of protein and fiber shows promise at helping people lose extra pounds and keep them off. The study was published in the journal PLOS ONE. The Individualized Diet Improvement Program is a self-guided approach that involves easy-to-use tools, according …

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Golf Fitness: How It Can Help You To Be a Better Golfer

Discover These Remarkable Health Benefits of Playing Golf

While golf is a much more chilled-out sport than many others out there, keeping your golf fitness up is still important if you want to play your best game and stay injury-free.  But what exactly is golf fitness and how do you improve it? Here are our tips for getting fitter to have a positive …

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A Flexible Spine Predicts Flexible And Youthful Arteries

When Is The Best Time Of Day To Exercise For Metabolic Health?

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. Hundreds of years ago, English physician Thomas Sydenham taught that “a man is as old …

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