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Soft Tissue Destruction And Lower Back Pain: An Illuminated Tour


Back pain affects many people at some point in their lives, and a common cause is damage to the squishy discs or flexible, rubbery tissues of the spine. However, observing this damage at an early stage is difficult with current imaging methods. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Nano can see microscopic soft tissue destruction in …

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Scientists Use Nanotechnology To Detect Bone-Healing Stem Cells

Caught In The Crossfire

Researchers at the University of Southampton have developed a new way of using nanomaterials to identify and enrich skeletal stem cells — a discovery which could eventually lead to new treatments for major bone fractures and the repair of lost or damaged bone. Working together, a team of physicists, chemists, and tissue engineering experts used …

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Fluorescent Lighting Linked To Inflammation And Immune Response

Fluorescent Lighting Linked To Inflammation And Immune Response

In modern day fluorescent lighting has become one of the most common artificial light sources around the world, however new research suggests there may be unwanted and unexpected negative consequences to its use at the genetic level. “Over the past 60 years, we have increasingly relied on artificial light sources that emit much narrower wavelength …

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Human Papilloma Virus Cured In 29 Women

Treatments For 2

Eva Ramon Gallegos claims to have achieved 100% elimination of HPV focused on the uterine cervix of 29 women in Mexico via photodynamic therapy. In the process aminolevulinic acid delta is applied to the cervix for 4 hours, after which it is transformed into the fluorescent chemical protoporphyrin IX that accumulates in damage cells and …

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Fluorescence Light Up Potential Antisense Oligo Drugs For MD

Fluorescence Light Up Potential Antisense Oligo Drugs For MD

A fluorescent mouse model of myotonic muscular dystrophy type 1 has been developed by researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital which may lead to finding new treatments for the genetic disorder, as published in Nature Communications. Initial studies using the genetically engineered mice have shown how modified forms of antisense oligonucleotides can target and correct the …

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Glowing Chemical May Assist Brain Cancer Surgery

Glowing Chemical May Assist Brain Cancer Surgery

A study suggests that a chemical which causes tumours to glow pink under ultraviolet light may help surgeons to remove cancer more safely. Patients who were suspected to have glioma were given a drink containing the chemical 5-ALA which is known to accumulate in fast growing cancer cells. The pink glow that the chemical causes …

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Fluorescent Nanomedicine Guiding Tumor Removal

Nanotubes Gentler On Brain Tissue

A nanomedicine platform has been developed for use with the treatment of cancer that will help doctors to know which tissue to cut away for removal as well as kill any malignant cells which are not able to be removed surgically, by the scientists from Oregon State University. This new platform will allow for great …

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