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Hair Loss And Prostate Drug May Cut Risk Of Heart Disease

Hair Loss And Prostate Drug May Cut Risk Of Heart Disease

A drug commonly used to treat male pattern baldness and enlarged prostate in millions of men around the globe may also provide surprising and life-saving benefits according to research from the University of Illinois published in the Journal of Lipid Research, suggesting that it may lower cholesterol and cut the overall risk of developing cardiovascular …

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How ovarian tissue freezing could prevent menopause — possibly forever

How ovarian tissue freezing could prevent menopause -- possibly forever

Most women agree that menopause has its advantages and disadvantages. Some relish the end of menstruation and concerns about unplanned pregnancies, while others dread the possibililty of hot flashes, moodiness, and other unpleasant symptoms. What some women consider a brief and barely noticeable phase in their lives can evolve into lasting changes and discomfort for …

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Of mice and men: Treating acne with systemic antibiotics can have unintended consequences on the maturing skeleton during adolescence

FDA Approved A New Active Ingredient To Target Hormonal Acne

During adolescence, sex hormones drive significant physiologic changes. One of the most universal, and sometimes distressing, experiences during adolescence is the development of acne — a skin condition that results from the plugging of hair follicles with oil and dead skin cells. For some individuals whose acne is resistant to topical therapies, systemic antibiotics are …

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Pimple Secret Popped: How Fat Cells in the Skin Help Fight Acne

FDA Approved A New Active Ingredient To Target Hormonal Acne

Acne is among the most common skin diseases in the United States, according to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, affecting up to 50 million Americans each year. It is also among the least studied.  It’s known that hair follicles assist in the development of a pimple, but new research suggests the skin cells outside …

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It’s True: Stress Does Turn Hair Gray (And It’s Reversible)

Gray Hair Linked To Immune System

Legend has it that Marie Antoinette’s hair turned gray overnight just before her beheading in 1791. Though the legend is inaccurate — hair that has already grown out of the follicle does not change color — a new study from researchers at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons is the first to offer …

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Study Appears To Awaken Dormant Hair Follicles

Experimental Drug Reverses Skin Damage And Hair Loss

Participants treated with lead therapeutic candidate injections have experienced average increased hair growth of seven hairs per cm2 in a Phase IIa scalp study. Positive data has been reported by Follicum from their Phase IIa study in the first in man scalp trial to examine the safety and therapeutic effects of different doses of their …

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