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Researchers develop messenger RNA therapy for ovarian cancer, muscle wasting

Scientists Discover Cancer Trigger That Could Spur Targeted Drug Therapies

Researchers at Oregon State University and Oregon Health & Science University have developed a promising, first-of-its-kind messenger RNA therapy for ovarian cancer as well as cachexia, a muscle-wasting condition associated with cancer and other chronic illnesses. The treatment is based on the same principles used in SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, and the scientists say mRNA technology, though …

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IHS Pets: Bringing Cell And Gene Therapy To Cats, Dogs & Horses

IHS Pets: Bringing Cell And Gene Therapy To Cats, Dogs & Horses

Integrated Health System is bringing cell and gene therapy to cats, dogs, and horses. Recently IHS Pets has helped a paralyzed dog with a spinal cord injury to walk again after it was treated with experimental PRP and prolotherapy. Click here to see the video.  Telomeres Aging is the root of virtually every complex noncommunicable …

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