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Call For Action To Define The Future Role Of Food In America

ICYMI: USDA Extends Free Meals For All Kids

Alarming trends call for action to define the future role of food in American health. A new public opinion poll and expert analysis highlight the need to make healthy food accessible to avoid a projected crisis in incidences of cardiovascular disease and costs, according to a news release from the American Heart Association. The new …

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Grouping Foods Based on Level Of Processing

Highly Processed Foods Form Bulk Of U.S. Youths' Diets

Are you looking for a way to find out more about the levels of processing in the foods you are getting? Well, as it turns out, there might be an app in development for that. Researchers have been studying ultra-processed foods, and have created a visual tool to help people group foods based on their …

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Can diet help with advanced breast cancer? All indications are positive

Working Out To Fight Back Against Breast Cancer Treatment Side Effects

Women with breast cancer who exclusively ate a whole-foods, plant-based diet lost weight, improved cholesterol levels and other key metabolic factors, had less fatigue, and perceived that they felt sharper mentally and generally more well. The outcomes are from a small study by researchers at the University of Rochester Medical Center and Wilmot Cancer Institute. …

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Food in sight? The liver is ready!

Emotional eating: Children as young as four eat more when bored

What happens in the body when we are hungry and see and smell food? A team of researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research has now been able to show in mice that adaptations in the liver mitochondria take place after only a few minutes. Stimulated by the activation of a group of …

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Craving snacks after a meal? It might be food-seeking neurons, not an overactive appetite

Craving snacks after a meal? It might be food-seeking neurons, not an overactive appetite

Key takeaways: A new study from UCLA researchers is the first to discover food-seeking cells in a part of a mouse’s brain usually associated with panic – but not with feeding. Activating a selective cluster of these cells kicked mice into “hot pursuit” of live and non-prey food, and showed a craving for fatty foods …

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Mixed Diet: Balancing Diet And Carbon Footprint

Mixed Diet: Balancing Diet And Carbon Footprint

Along with becoming more health conscious, some people are also becoming more aware of their impact on Earth and are trying to reduce their carbon footprint. What we eat impacts our health, and it can also impact the environment. Previous research has looked at the impact of diets in general terms, this study published in …

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New research shows “profound” link between dietary choices and brain health

New research shows “profound” link between dietary choices and brain health

Published in Nature, the research showed that a healthy, balanced diet was linked to superior brain health, cognitive function and mental well-being. The study, involving researchers at the University of Warwick, sheds light on how our food preferences not only influence physical health but also significantly impact brain health. The dietary choices of a large …

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Energy And Macronutrients Across Lifespan

Increasing plant-based offerings at hospitals can improve community health outcomes

Current research appears to be taking pointers from the past and is trending toward the concept of food as medicine, which is a philosophy in which food and nutrition are positioned within intervention to support health and wellness that dates back to the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates who once said: “Let food be thy medicine …

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Microplastics make their way from the gut to other organs

Are Plastic Bottles and Packaged Foods Poisoning Your Arteries? -- YES

It’s happening every day. From our water, our food and even the air we breathe, tiny plastic particles are finding their way into many parts of our body. But what happens once those particles are inside? What do they do to our digestive system? In a recent paper published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, …

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Harmful Health Effects Linked To Ultra Processed Foods

Harmful Health Effects Linked To Ultra Processed Foods

This large review published in the BMJ involved experts from a number of leading institutions, including Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in the US, the University of Sydney, and Sorbonne University in France. The authors concluded that: “Overall, direct associations were found between exposure to ultra-processed foods and 32 health parameters spanning mortality, …

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