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Do You Know What Functional Foods Are?

2019 Functional Food Trends

Increasing interest is being shown in people wanting to improve their health by making more healthful food choices, as such functional foods are gaining popularity in health and wellness. This is actually a great choice as science and medicine have long supported this lifestyle intervention option and are revealing the associations between the gut and …

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High Fiber Diets Can Save Lives But Food Processing May Remove Benefits

High Fiber Intake May Reduce Risk Of Breast Cancer

Two recent studies from the University of Otago have shown that consuming more dietary fiber can help to improve life expectancy, especially for those with type 2 diabetes, but food processing may be removing these benefits. Type 2 diabetes is associated with serious medical complications, and according to researchers this disease has reached epidemic proportions …

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Foods That May Help To Calm The Nerves & Mind

Foods That May Help To Calm The Nerves & Mind

Many people go about their busy days operating in high gear from juggling schedules, dealing with traffic, and in general trying to keep our lives at work and those at home along with our families in order. Even when the day/night isn’t in hyper drive the levels of cortisol stress hormones can remain elevated because …

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Heavily Processed Foods Cause Overeating And Weight Gain

Heavily Processed Foods Cause Overeating And Weight Gain

Those eating highly processed foods gained more weight then when eating minimally processed foods, even when the diets had the same number of calories and macronutrients according to results from a National Institutes of Health study published in Cell Metabolism. The small scale randomized controlled trial examined the effects of ultra processed foods as defined …

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Comfort Food + A Portion Of Stress = Supersized Weight Gain

Comfort Food + A Portion Of Stress = Supersized Weight Gain

When under stress some people lose their appetites, while others overeat which tends to include high sugar and high fat content comfort foods when the pressure is on. Findings indicate we should be more conscious about what we reach for to eat when we are stressed to avoid weight gain, as published in Cell Metabolism. …

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2019 Functional Food Trends

2019 Functional Food Trends

Old health rules are being overturned, new ideas are emerging, old ingredients are becoming once more reborn, and retail channels are shifting as consumers beliefs over what healthy means change it opens the doors for a wealth of various opportunities. Dietitians and health professionals are no longer being seeing as the know all and experts …

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Functional Foods Attracting The Health Conscious

Functional Foods Attracting The Health Conscious

According to a new study 65% of consumers are now seeking functional benefits from their food and beverage items; the top 5 ingredients perceived to deliver these kinds of benefits were honey, probiotics, coffee, green tea, and omega-3s. 58% of consumers ranked a balanced diet as a top way to proactively manage health, followed by …

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Getting Your Gut Moving

Getting Your Gut Moving

Digestive problems may be caused because the body is having problems absorbing fat; symptoms of fat malabsorption may include but is not limited to excreting light coloured foul smelling stools, fatigue, bloating, weight gain/loss, being nauseated by fatty foods, and dry skin. However, these symptoms may also be indication of other nutrient deficiencies as some …

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Foods That Help Prevent Exposure Damage

North American West Coast Facing Fukushima Radiation

It would seem as if we are being bombarded with radiation, toxins, and pollution everywhere we go. These exposures such as radiation aren’t just happening on airplanes and when getting an R-ray anymore either the advent of mobile devices and nuclear energy wastes have been thrown in the mix for the body to contend with …

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Foods To Avoid With High Blood Pressure

Foods To Avoid With High Blood Pressure

Close to one in three adults in America have high blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure it is suggested to maintain a diet low in fat and sodium and avoid certain foods. Not consuming enough fruit and vegetables may result in low potassium intake and high sodium intake which may contribute to the …

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