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PFAS exposure from high seafood diets may be underestimated

A Dartmouth-led study suggests that people who frequently consume seafood may face an increased risk of exposure to PFAS, the family of ubiquitous and resilient human-made toxins known as “forever chemicals.” The findings stress the need for more stringent public health guidelines that establish the amount of seafood people can safely consume to limit their …

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Cleaning Up ‘Forever Chemicals’: Plant-Based Material Can Eat PFAs

Cleaning Up ‘Forever Chemicals’: Plant-Based Material Can Eat PFAs

Image Credit: Texas A&M AgriLife photo by Laura McKenzie A novel bioremediation technology for cleaning up per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, chemical pollutants that threaten human health and ecosystem sustainability, has been developed by Texas A&M AgriLife researchers. The material has potential for commercial application for disposing of PFAS, also known as “forever chemicals.” …

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