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The Benefits of Regenerative and Functional Medicine for Chronic Conditions


Imagine a world where pain and suffering from chronic diseases are managed, mitigated, or even reversed. Welcome to the realm of regenerative and functional medicine for chronic conditions. This progressive, transformative approach to health can change the course of intractable diseases. It truly offers a better quality of life to those who have lost hope …

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Harnessing the Power of AI in Anti-Aging and Functional Medicine

Harnessing the Power of AI in Anti-Aging and Functional Medicine

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the healthcare industry by providing computer systems with human-like intelligence to perform complex tasks such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation. As the capabilities of this technology expand, so will the number of its potential applications in the medical realm. In anti-aging and functional medicine, physicians may …

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Do You Know What Functional Foods Are?

2019 Functional Food Trends

Increasing interest is being shown in people wanting to improve their health by making more healthful food choices, as such functional foods are gaining popularity in health and wellness. This is actually a great choice as science and medicine have long supported this lifestyle intervention option and are revealing the associations between the gut and …

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The Pharmacist’s Role in Functional Medicine

The Pharmacist’s Role in Functional Medicine

This article was written by Lauren Castle, PharmD, MS – Founder & CEO,  In the fields of anti-aging, integrative, and functional medicine, pharmacists have long been sought after as members of the patient care team, particularly for their unique scope of practice to compound customized medications for patients. But in recent years, the role …

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Researchers & Health Professionals Find Functional Age Measurement Essential

Researchers & Health Professionals Find Functional Age Measurement Essential

Age rests on the concept of chronological age being the number of years that a person has been alive while biological age refers to how old a person may be taking into account a number of factors. Functional aging is the relationship between the length of life and the amount of time spent in the …

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2019 Functional Food Trends

2019 Functional Food Trends

Old health rules are being overturned, new ideas are emerging, old ingredients are becoming once more reborn, and retail channels are shifting as consumers beliefs over what healthy means change it opens the doors for a wealth of various opportunities. Dietitians and health professionals are no longer being seeing as the know all and experts …

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Functional Foods Attracting The Health Conscious

Functional Foods Attracting The Health Conscious

According to a new study 65% of consumers are now seeking functional benefits from their food and beverage items; the top 5 ingredients perceived to deliver these kinds of benefits were honey, probiotics, coffee, green tea, and omega-3s. 58% of consumers ranked a balanced diet as a top way to proactively manage health, followed by …

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Watermelon Helps Soothe Aching Muscles

Abundant in the amino acid, l-Citrulline, watermelon juice can relieve sore muscles. l-Citrulline, an amino acid shown in previous studies to reduce muscle soreness, is found abundantly in watermelons, as well as certain squashes, cucumbers, and other melons.  Martha P. Tarazona-Díaz, from the  Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena  (Spain), and colleagues administered 500 mL of natural …

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Fruits & Veggies Boost Women’s Cardiovascular Health

Fruits & Veggies Boost Women’s Cardiovascular Health

Women who eat a diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables as young adults may be far less likely to have plaque build-up in their arteries 20 years later. Previous studies have reported that middle-aged adults whose diet consists of a high proportion of fruits and vegetables are less likely to have a heart attack …

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A Sweet Solve to Antibiotic Resistance

A Sweet Solve to Antibiotic Resistance

Rich in antioxidants, honey possesses antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. An age-old natural sweetener, honey has been utilized in folk medicine around the world, oftentimes as a topical wound dressing.  Honey is filled with healthful polyphenols, most  notably – phenolic acids, caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid and ellagic acid.  Susan M. Meschwitz, from Salve Regina University …

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