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A brain game may predict your risk of infection

Antiviral Defense Regulates Intestinal Function And Overall Gut Health

If your alertness and reaction time is see-sawing more than usual, you may be more at risk of a viral illness. That’s the key finding of an experiment led by University of Michigan researchers working in close collaboration with researchers at the Duke University School of Medicine and the University of Virginia. “We all know …

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Puzzle Game Aims To Crowdsource A COVID-19 Cure

Puzzle Game Aims To Crowdsource A COVID-19 Cure

A University of Washington coronavirus puzzle game has been designed which is aiming to crowdsource a cure in a novel approach to combat the spread of COVID-19 globally.  Their puzzle game challenges scientists as well as students and the public alike to build a protein that can block the virus from infiltrating human cells. This …

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