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Digital Puzzle Games May Be Good For Memory

Engagement In The Arts May Extend Longevity

Older adults aged 60+ who play digital puzzle games had the same memory abilities as those in their 20s, according to a new study from the University of York that was published in the journal ScienceDirect Heliyon. The older adults also had a greater ability to ignore irrelevant distractions, however, older adults who played strategy …

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Social Interaction And Friendly Competition May Positively Affect Mental Health

Some Experts Consider This To Be One Of The Most Perfect Workouts

Dr. Zoe Williams is a television presenter and medical expert with an exciting strategy for improving mental health which is playing ping pong. Dr. Williams is working to highlight the benefits that activities such as dart, ping pong, shuffleboard, and axe throwing can have on boosting the well-being of the players, emphasizing the value of …

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Screen time linked to OCD in U.S. preteens

Digital Addiction Is Similar To Substance Abuse

During the holidays, kids often spend more time on screens, leaving parents to wonder: Is it causing harm? Possibly. For preteens, the odds of developing OCD over a two-year period increased by 13% for every hour they played video games and by 11% for every hour they watched videos, according to a new national study …

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Crossword Puzzles Beat Computer Video Games In Slowing Memory Loss

Exercising The Brain May Help Later In Life

A new study by researchers from Columbia University and Duke University published in the journal NEJM Evidence shows that doing crossword puzzles has an advantage over computer video games for memory functioning in older adults with mild cognitive impairment. In a randomized, controlled trial, led by D.P. Devanand, MD, professor of psychiatry and neurology at …

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Engagement In The Arts May Extend Longevity

Keeping your brain active in old age has always been a smart idea, but a new study suggests that reading, writing letters and playing card games or puzzles in later life may delay the onset of Alzheimer’s dementia by up to five years. The research is published in the July 14, 2021, online issue of …

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Computer Game May Slow Cognitive Decline

Computer Game May Slow Cognitive Decline

Playing a mental agility computer game has been shown to slow cognitive decline in older people. Playing certain types of computer games may help to keep the brain sharp and ward off cognitive decline, new research suggests. Professor Frederic Wolinsky of the University of Iowa College of Public Health, and colleagues investigated the effect of …

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