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Repeated Stress Accelerates Aging Of The Eye

Diabetes Medications Linked To Glaucoma Prevention

New research from the University of California, Irvine, suggests aging is an important component of retinal ganglion cell death in glaucoma, and that novel pathways can be targeted when designing new treatments for glaucoma patients. The study, titled, “Stress induced aging in mouse eye,” was published today in Aging Cell. Along with her colleagues, Dorota …

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The Limits Of Vision: Seeing Shadows In The Dark

Dumbed Down By Dim

Mice use a specific neural pathway to detect shadows, and it can detect just about the dimmest shadows possible, according to new research from Aalto University and the University of Helsinki. The human eye has the same neural circuit, which researchers think could be used to probe visual diseases at unprecedented resolution. To test shadow …

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Scientists discover gene therapy provides neuroprotection to prevent glaucoma vision loss

New Bar Set In Retinal Imaging

A form of gene therapy protects optic nerve cells and preserves vision in mouse models of glaucoma, according to research supported by NIH’s National Eye Institute. The findings suggest a way forward for developing neuroprotective therapies for glaucoma, a leading cause of visual impairment and blindness. The report was published in Cell. Glaucoma results from …

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