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Young At Heart: Centenarian Sets Running World Record

Young At Heart: Centenarian Sets Running World Record

“And if you should survive to 105, look at all you’ll derive out of being alive. And here is the best part, you’ve had a head start, if you are among the very young at heart.” Sung by Frank Sinatra. At 105 years young, Julia Hawkins, with a freshly picked flower in her hair, set …

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Beyond the Gym: Exploring Unconventional Exercise Methods for Longevity and Vitality While Aging

Beyond the Gym: Exploring Unconventional Exercise Methods for Longevity and Vitality While Aging

Slogging away at the gym isn’t for everyone. Especially as you age and go through different phases with your mind and body, it’s worth it to have alternative methods of exercise to accommodate your ability level. You could have an illness or become injured You could also simply prefer unconventional exercise to the traditional gym …

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Gardening And Food School Programs Form Lasting Dietary Behaviors

Gardening And Food School Programs Form Lasting Dietary Behaviors

Home Economics/Family and Consumer Sciences covers aspects from both inside and outside of home life and wellness such as cooking, cleaning/hazards, food groups/nutrition, consumer literacy, family finance/budgets, healthy lifestyles, gardening, and sewing among other helpful life skills, used to be taught from middle school through high school and were required to graduate. Unfortunately, most schools …

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How Seniors Can Harness the Healing Power of Nature

How Seniors Can Harness the Healing Power of Nature

To cultivate a healthier and more fulfilling life as we age, spending time amidst greenery can be a key strategy. Studies have revealed that just about two hours per week in natural environments like parks or forests significantly boosts health and mental wellness. This isn’t just a blanket statement; its benefits extend across various demographics, …

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You May Be Exercising At Home Without Realizing It

Long-lasting Disinfectant Promises to Help Fight Pandemics

Those of us who are not athletes, don’t have the drive, or are lacking in time can find it difficult to fit in exercise. Even if you are in any of these categories that doesn’t mean that working on your health via fitness is out of the question, in fact, you may be exercising and …

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Self-Care Strategies for College Students Battling Mental Health Challenges

Doctors Are Not Taught Enough About Nutrition In Medical School

College life can be exciting and transformative, filled with new experiences, academic growth, and personal development. However, it’s no secret that the college journey also comes with its fair share of challenges, especially when it comes to mental health. The pressures of academic performance, social interactions, and transitioning to a new environment can take a …

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How to Turn Gardening Into a Workout and Stress Relief

The Benefits of Simply Moving More

Adding gardening to your weekly routine may just be what you need to stay physically and mentally fit. According to Science Direct research, gardening at least two to three times a week boosts well-being and reduces stress. People with health issues particularly emphasized the value of gardening. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also put …

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How can you encourage kids to enjoy the great outdoors?

7 Adventure Sports That You Didn't Know Exist

Many kids these days are glued to their screens, whether it’s a TV, computer, tablet or phone. It’s no wonder that many children don’t have a strong connection to nature. However, there are many benefits to spending time outdoors, including improved mental and physical health. Even a short walk in the fresh air can be …

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Gardening May Boost Moods As Much As Exercise

The Benefits of Simply Moving More

There is a recent trend to make cities more sustainable and livable by civic leaders and urban planners by investing into outdoor spaces and recreational activities such as walking and biking. Now research has identified the benefit of an activity that largely gets overlooked: home gardening.  The Princeton researchers found that across the study population …

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