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Battling Bloat

Listening to Your Body: Recognizing and Addressing Symptoms of GERD

At one point or another, almost everyone experiences a bout with battling gas and bloating. Bloating can make your abdomen feel larger than it is, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that your abdomen is distended. However, if you are struggling with bloating regularly it could be a symptom of a medical condition such as IBS …

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New Study Reveals That Bloating Is Common In America

Gobble Gobble: National Day Of Celebration And Excess

Nearly 1 in 7 Americans experience bloating on a weekly basis, most aren’t seeking professional care for it, and women are more than twice as likely as men to report feeling bloated, according to a new study led by Cedars-Sinai investigators. The findings are published in Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology. “Although bloating is a common …

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Cheaper hydrogen fuel cell could mean better green energy options

Air Pollution May Be Adding To Your Waistline

Relief at the pump? Scientists develop cheaper green fuels using iron instead of platinum. Imperial researchers have developed a hydrogen fuel cell that uses iron instead of rare and costly platinum, enabling greater use of the technology. The study is published in Nature Catalysis. Hydrogen fuel cells convert hydrogen to electricity with water vapour as …

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Lead Exposure In Last Century Shrank IQ Scores Of Half Of Americans, Study Finds

Air Pollution May Be Adding To Your Waistline

In 1923, lead was first added to gasoline to help keep car engines healthy. However, automotive health came at the great expense of our own health and well-being. A new study calculates that exposure to car exhaust from leaded gas during childhood stole a collective 824 million IQ points from more than 170 million Americans alive …

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Lead From Leaded Petrol Persists In London Air Despite '90s Ban

Air Pollution May Be Adding To Your Waistline

Lead levels in London’s atmosphere have dropped drastically since lead additives in petrol were phased out, and currently meet UK air quality targets. However, despite this drop, airborne particles in London are still highly lead-enriched compared to natural background levels, according to new Imperial research published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of …

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Gut Troubles: Pain, Gas, Bloating, And More

Gut Troubles: Pain, Gas, Bloating, And More

Everyone has pain or discomfort in their gut occasionally. Maybe you ate something that didn’t agree with you. Or you had an infection that made you sick to your stomach for a few days. But if pain and other gut symptoms go on for weeks or longer, something more serious might be wrong. Digestive system …

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Are You Gassy And Bloated?

4 in 10 Adults May Be Living With A Gastrointestinal Disorder

Is your tummy making loud noises, maybe you are too full to move around, pants feel too tight, feels like a hardball in your midsection, whatever symptom you are experiencing being gassy and bloated is not a good feeling.  While there is no denying that diet contributes to gut health, there are still many potential …

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Helping Your Microbiome Become Healthier

Elite Athletes Microbiomes Contain Performance Enhancing Bacteria

Many people pledge to become healthier this time of year, but few take into consideration the microbes that are living inside their gut, these are the microbiome and they are vital to good health.  There are as many bacterial cells in the human body as there are human cells, these help to control a variety …

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Can Ginger Effectively And Safely Be Used To Treat Nausea?

Can Ginger Effectively And Safely Be Used To Treat Nausea?

Ginger/ginger root is the thick stem of the flowering Zingiber officinale plant native to Southeast Asia and India, which has been used as a spice with many culinary applications and medicinally for hundreds of years.  It is most often recommended for its stomach calming effects, but can ginger be used to treat nausea more naturally? …

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Peppermint Tea May Boost Memory

Peppermint Tea May Boost Memory

You may want to consider having a nice fragrant cup of peppermint tea next time you have to give a speech or are heading into an important meeting because peppermint tea can help to increase short and long term memory within twenty minutes, according to a release from the British Psychological Society’s Annual Conference. Northumbria …

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