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FDA Approves First Immunotherapy for Initial Treatment of Gastric Cancer

FDA Approves First in the World Device to Treat Patients with Congenital Heart Disease

According to a press announcement, the US FDA has approved Opdivo (nivolumab), in combination with certain types of chemotherapy, for the initial treatment of patients with advanced or metastatic gastric cancer, gastroesophageal junction cancer and esophageal adenocarcinoma. This is the first FDA-approved immunotherapy for the first-line treatment of gastric cancer. “Today’s approval is the first …

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Getting Your Gut Moving

Getting Your Gut Moving

Digestive problems may be caused because the body is having problems absorbing fat; symptoms of fat malabsorption may include but is not limited to excreting light coloured foul smelling stools, fatigue, bloating, weight gain/loss, being nauseated by fatty foods, and dry skin. However, these symptoms may also be indication of other nutrient deficiencies as some …

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Bariatric Surgery Cuts Risk of Dying

Bariatric Surgery Cuts Risk of Dying

Bariatric surgery can dramatically reduce an obese person’s risk of all-cause mortality and nearly halve their risk of heart attack and stroke. Gastric banding and other forms of bariatric surgery can dramatically reduce an obese person’s risk of heart attack, according to recent study results. Dr Yoon Loke from the University of East Anglia’s Norwich …

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