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Combating Deficiencies With Biofortified Rice

Vitamin B1 is an essential micronutrient, deficiency can lead to numerous diseases of both the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Most vitamins cannot be produced in our bodies and must be obtained via food, when our diet is varied vitamin requirements are generally met. However, in regions where grains and kinds of rice are often the …

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Healing Spinal Cord Injuries By Reprogramming Cells

Has The Cellular Aging Master Circuit Been Discovered?

Researchers at UT Southwestern and Indiana University led by Chun-Li Zhang, Ph.D., professor of molecular biology at UT Southwestern, are proposing a method of harnessing the Sox2 stem cell protein known to proliferate after a spinal cord injury to promote healing. Genetic engineering allowed the team to reprogram specific NG2 glia cells to overproduce Sox2 …

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Gene Editing: Metzel’s Take On Hacking Longevity

New Disease Associated With Viral Family

Jamie Metzel was appointed to the W.H.O advisory committee on developing global standards for the governance and oversight of human genome editing near the start of 2019. He is a Senior Fellow of the Atlantic Council, a novelist, entrepreneur, commentator, as well as a technology and healthcare futurist and a geopolitical expert in groundbreaking exploration …

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