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Family History May Raise Risk of Cancers At Other Sites

Family History May Raise Risk of Cancers At Other Sites

A family history of one type of cancer may not only increase the risk of the same variety of cancer, but of cancers at other sites as well. Previous studies suggest that the risk of cancer at a specific site is higher in subjects with a family history of cancer at that same site.  Researchers …

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Atherosclerotic Disease Heredity Mapped


People with a parent who has early atherosclerosis of the aorta have a significantly increased risk of developing the disease. Swedish researchers conducted a study to map the significance of heredity for the four most common forms of atherosclerotic disease: coronary heart disease, ischemic stroke, peripheral artery disease, and atherosclerosis of the aorta. Heredity was …

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“Hotspots” on Human Genome are Source of Most Diseases


University of North Carolina (US) team reports that a relatively small number of places in the human genome are associated with a large number and variety of diseases. Researchers have long known that individual diseases are associated with genes in specific locations of the genome. Genetics researchers at the University of North Carolina School of …

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Longer Sleep Duration Inhibits Genetic Factors Promoting Weight Gain

Longer Sleep Duration Inhibits Genetic Factors Promoting Weight Gain

Sleeping for more than nine hours a night may help to suppress some genetic factors that promote weight gain. A new study examining the relationship between sleep duration and body mass index (BMI), suggests that getting plenty of sleep each night may help to suppress certain genetic factors that promote weight gain. Nathaniel Watson, of …

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