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A Few Herbs And Spices With Potent Prevention Profiles

Adaptogens To Help Relieve Stress

When it comes to herbs and spices, adding a splash of this and a dash of that can transform almost any bland dish into something scrumptious, but adding that zing to your meal may also help you to ward off certain cancers. Yes, food can be medicine, and prevention is always better than cure.  From …

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Ginger Supplements May Help To Treat Autoimmune Diseases

Can Ginger Effectively And Safely Be Used To Treat Nausea?

According to a study published in JCI Insight from researchers at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and the University of Michigan, ginger may play an important role in controlling inflammation among those with autoimmune diseases. The clinical trial investigated the impact of ginger supplements on white blood cell (neutrophil) function.  This study was …

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A Guide To Spicing Up Any Meal – No Seriously

A Guide To Spicing Up Any Meal - No Seriously

In this day and age, one of the easiest things to turn to when you’re feeling down is a nice meal. But even your favorite food can be a little dull if you eat the same thing over and over again. That’s why it’s important to shake things up a bit every now and then, …

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Must Grow Medicinal Plants This 2022

Evolution of Herbal Cures for Cancer: Molecular Science Holds the Key

Manufactured medications and prescriptions have taken over the globe today. But do they have to be the only way to get better? Despite having these manufactured choices at our disposal, many people still resort to the medical plants that started it all: herbal medicines that can cure and promote physical and emotional well-being.   While …

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Herbs And Spice That May Help To Prevent Cancer


Adding a splash of this and a dash of that can transform almost any bland dish into something scrumptious, but adding that zing to your meal may also be helping you to prevent cancer. Yes, food can be medicine, and prevention is always better than cure.  From ginger to pepper and apples and berries to …

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Immune Enhancing Ayurvedic Remedies

Immune Enhancing Ayurvedic Remedies

Recently citizens around the globe have been exposed to a new virus, transmission of this is said to largely depend on factors such as cleanliness, immunity, and existing health conditions. This virus has a high rate of transmission, but it is being shown that recovery is possible, a part of that is due to the …

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Can Ginger Effectively And Safely Be Used To Treat Nausea?

Can Ginger Effectively And Safely Be Used To Treat Nausea?

Ginger/ginger root is the thick stem of the flowering Zingiber officinale plant native to Southeast Asia and India, which has been used as a spice with many culinary applications and medicinally for hundreds of years.  It is most often recommended for its stomach calming effects, but can ginger be used to treat nausea more naturally? …

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Simple Drink May Help You Sleep And Fight Inflammation

Cancer Cell Growth Halt With Timed Release Of Turmeric

Golden milk lattes are becoming increasingly popular. Despite being used for culinary and medicinal reasons for thousands of years in Ayurvedic healing practices turmeric/curcumin has only just started appearing in modern western society. Turmeric has been shown to help reduce inflammation, but not all turmeric drinks are equal. Is it dried and ground or fresh? …

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Anti-Inflammatory Herbs

Anti-Inflammatory Herbs

Inflammation is important, it helps the body repair damaged tissues, and combat foreign invaders but this phenomenon can also become a silent killer. Inflammation can lead to serious problems, chronic inflammation over time can lead to really serious diseases including arthritis and certain types of cancer; symptoms can include fatigue, sores, pain, fever, and rash. …

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Can A Cold Be Helped With A Detox Bath?

Can A Cold Be Helped With A Detox Bath?

Detox baths are considered to be a natural way to help remove toxins from the body. Detox baths use ingredients such as epsom salts, ginger, and essential oils that are dissolved in warm water in the bathtub that you can soak in for 15 minutes to an hour at a time. Evidence is limited in …

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