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Spices That May Help Digestion

Rosemary Helping To Protect The Brain From Damage

Processed foods in the typical Western diet combined with vices and less than ideal lifestyle choices including soda/pop, smoking, lack of sleep, alcohol, etc, can reduce the efficiency of the digestive system. Healthier lifestyle choices including consuming a well balanced diet full of whole foods and many greens can help to improve digestion, this can …

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Veggies Can Help To Stay Fit And Fight Disease

Pesticide Dirty Dozen And Clean Fifteen

It is fairly common knowledge that eating fruits and vegetables is good for you, but most people don’t know which ones are best. While not all vegetables provide the same nutrients, and there isn’t a single vegetable that will provide all the nutrients needs, not all vegetables are created equally and some are better than …

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Black Ginger: Natural Viagra

Frisky Business

Legendary reputation of this spice can precede itself, particularly if you are from the East. Kaempferia parviflora is renowned for its effects on male sexuality, endurance, sexual prowess, and increasing libido. Viagra works via a mechanism known as phosphodiesterase inhibition: Phosphodiesterase-5 in particular is an enzyme that cleaves a bond into the compound cAMP known …

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Ginger And Peppermint

Ginger And Peppermint

  Ginger and peppermint are favorites among many, not only for the many tasty uses but also as healing herbs. My Nan showed me at a young age that peppermint and ginger were great for helping to ease tummy troubles such  as indigestion, and that when I wasn’t feeling well ginger goes a long way …

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8 Spices That May Help you Lose Weight

8 Spices That May Help you Lose Weight

Losing weight is hard enough as it is without adding eating bland food to the process, and why should you? Why not dive into you pantry for a few spices that may help you to lose weight and enjoy that chicken breast or noshing on that raw celery a bit more. Spices such as simple …

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Ginger May Reduce Colon Cancer Risks

Ginger May Reduce Colon Cancer Risks

By reducing inflammation, ginger may help to reduce the risk of developing colorectal cancer Previously, a number of studies have demonstrated ginger’s potential as an anti-inflammatory agent. Suzanna M. Zick, from the University of Michigan Medical Center (Michigan, USA), completed a study involving 30 men and women, who consumed either a supplement containing 2 g …

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Ginger Compound Affects Prostate Cancer

Ginger May Reduce Colon Cancer Risks

An extract from ginger helps slow the growth of prostate tumor cells, in both a lab animal model and human cell study. The ginger plant (Zingiber officinale) is most commonly harvested for its root (rhizome), which is a rich source of unique antioxidants such as gingerols, shogaols, and zingerones.  Prasanthi Karna, from Georgia State University …

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