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The Oral Microbiome and Sex Hormones

The Oral Microbiome and Sex Hormones

Most of us realize that microbes contribute to the state of our health in a major way. Healthy microbiomes or bacterial colonies contribute valuable short-chain fatty acids, vitamins, and immune system protection. Disordered microbiomes are reflected in oral health. Periodontal diseases, gingivitis, plaque formation, and tongues coated with white candida colonies illustrate that the microbial …

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Gum Disease Increases Risk Of Other Illness Such As Mental Health And Heart Conditions, Study Finds

Brush Those Gnashers

A University of Birmingham-led study shows an increased risk of patients developing illnesses including mental ill-health and heart conditions if they have a GP-inputted medical history of periodontal (gum) disease. Experts carried out a first-of-its-kind study of the GP records of 64,379 patients who had a GP-inputted recorded history of periodontal disease, including gingivitis and …

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Dental care: The best, worst and unproven tools to care for your teeth

Brush Those Gnashers

Do probiotics prevent gum disease? Is flossing necessary? Many patients are unable to confidently answer these questions and more due to the abundance of conflicting medical information. However, new research led by the University at Buffalo aims to separate fact from fiction in determining which oral hygiene tools actually prevent gum disease. The paper, published …

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High Tech Mouthwash Uses Light To Kill Bacteria

High Tech Mouthwash Uses Light To Kill Bacteria

At some point in their life almost everyone will develop a cavity in their teeth and about 70% of the global population will experience varying degrees of gingivitis. Regular brushing is the best way to prevent dental disease, but sometimes that is not enough as microscopic plaque can be left behind after brushing your teeth.  …

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Gingivitis Bacteria Linked To Increased Risk Of Alzheimer’s Disease

Aparecen Dos Nuevos Medicamentos Para Tratar la Dermatitis Atópica

According to a study published in Science Advances maintaining good oral health may help to slow down the development of Alzheimer’s disease; Porphyromonas gingivalis a bacterium that causes chronic periodontitis has been found to colonize the brains of those with the disease.  Toxic substances produced by P. gingivalis called gingipains correlate with the levels of …

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Brush Those Gnashers

Brush Those Gnashers

  It’s best to never forget to brush your teeth before going to bed. If you don’t you just may be putting more than your breath at risk. To go along with bad breath and sore mouth gum disease may be linked to cancer according to a recent Finnish study that was published in the …

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“Good Bacteria” Promote Oral Health


Certain strains of lactic acid bacteria exert antimicrobial protection against oral pathogens. Previous studies have reported potential benefits of specific serial strains to control dental diseases such as carries, gingivitis, and periodontitis. Researchers from the International University of Catalonia (Spain) isolated and characterized seven strains of lactic acid bacteria that they identified to be resistant …

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