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Shift Work Can Lead To Brain Changes Increasing Appetite

Night shift work is linked to increased risk of heart problems

Scientists from Bristol and the University of Occupational and Environmental Health in Japan investigating how circadian misalignment affects the hormones responsible for regulating appetite have uncovered why night shift work is associated with changes in appetites, their findings published in Communications Biology may help millions of people struggling with weight gain who work on the …

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How Stress Causes Hair Loss

According to a news release, Salk scientists have uncovered an unexpected molecular target of a common treatment for alopecia, a condition in which a person’s immune system attacks their own hair follicles, causing hair loss. The findings, published in Nature Immunology on June 23, 2022, describe how immune cells called regulatory T cells interact with …

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Novel Research Identifies Gene Targets Of Stress Hormones In The Brain

Memory Failure Reversed with ISRIB

Chronic stress is a well-known cause for mental health disorders. New research has moved a step forward in understanding how glucocorticoid hormones (‘stress hormones’) act upon the brain and what their function is. The findings could lead to more effective strategies in the prevention and treatment of mental health disorders. The study, led by academics …

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