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Understanding the Impact of Diabetes on Your Eye Health

Understanding the Impact of Diabetes on Your Eye Health

Diabetes is a chronic condition that can adversely affect the heart, nerves, and other vital components of the body. The complications associated with diabetes can be life-changing. Even your eyes aren’t safe if you have developed that aforementioned disease. Many people generally know that diabetes is bad for the eyes, but they may not fully …

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Weight Lifting For Cognitive Health

Weight Lifting For Cognitive Health

Moving your body is one of the most important things you can do for your brain. Studies have shown that those who exercise have less risk of developing brain disorders such as depression and Alzheimer’s disease. However, it is not just cardiorespiratory exercises like aerobics, running, or dance that help to promote brain health, weight …

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Far from toxic, lactate rivals glucose as body's major fuel after a carbohydrate meal

Far from toxic, lactate rivals glucose as body's major fuel after a carbohydrate meal

As a student competing in track and field at his Parlier high school, Robert Leija was obsessed with how to improve his performance and, in particular, prevent the buildup of lactic acid in his muscles during training. Like many athletes, he blamed it for the performance fatigue and muscle soreness he experienced after intense workouts. …

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Why Working Nights May Raise Risk Of Obesity And Diabetes

Why Working Nights May Raise Risk Of Obesity And Diabetes

Those working night shifts may not like the results of a study recently published in the Journal of Proteome Research led by scientists from Washington State University and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory which provides new clues as to why those working night shifts are more prone to metabolic disorders such as obesity and diabetes.  …

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Time Restricted Eating Combined With High-Intensity Exercise May Improve Health

Self Tracking Is Easy & The Most Effective Way To Lose Weight

Research published in PLOS ONE from the University of Sfar, Tunisia suggests that combining time-restricted eating with high-intensity functional training may improve both body composition and cardiometabolic parametric more so than either when done alone.  While making healthful lifestyle changes in diet and exercise are well-known ways to promote weight loss and improve cardiometabolic health, …

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Energy And Macronutrients Across Lifespan

Increasing plant-based offerings at hospitals can improve community health outcomes

Current research appears to be taking pointers from the past and is trending toward the concept of food as medicine, which is a philosophy in which food and nutrition are positioned within intervention to support health and wellness that dates back to the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates who once said: “Let food be thy medicine …

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Smartphone Compass May Assist In Managing Diabetes

Puzzle Game Aims To Crowdsource A COVID-19 Cure

Most smartphones have a built-in compass or magnetometer that detects the direction of the Earth’s magnetic field to help with the user’s navigation. Researchers from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) report their proof-of-concept study in Nature Communications, developing a technique using a modern cell phone magnetometer to measure the concentration of glucose, …

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An apple cider vinegar drink a day? New study shows it might help weight loss

Science Backed Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Made from fermented apples and naturally high in acetic acid, apple cider vinegar has been popular in recent years for its purported health benefits – from antibacterial properties to antioxidant effects and potential for helping manage blood sugars. Its origins as a health tonic stretch much further back. Hippocrates used it to treat wounds, fever …

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Researchers Identify a Potential Target for Reversing Poor Metabolic Traits

Exercise Mimicking Drug Helps Mice Shed Weight

Key Takeaways: A common genetic variant promotes reductive stress in the liver, leading to activation of a transcription factor This transcription factor in turn alters gene expression to cause undesirable metabolic traits Targeting this pathway is likely to have numerous beneficial metabolic effects During oxidative stress, excess production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) causes cell …

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Those With Obesity Burn Less Energy During The Day

Not Getting Enough Z’s, Look At Your PDE

Those with a healthy weight use more energy during the day, which is when most people are active and eat, however, those with obesity spend more energy during the evening when most people sleep, according to a new Oregon Health & Science University study published in the journal Obesity. The researchers also reported that during …

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