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Only 1 in 5 People In The USA Has Optimal Heart Health

Heart Health Tips From Some Pros

Press release study highlights: Researchers found the U.S. population is well below optimal levels of cardiovascular health after applying the Life’s Essential 8™ cardiovascular health scoring, the American Heart Association’s updated metrics to measure heart and brain health. Life’s Essential 8™ scoring was calculated using data from more than 23,400 adults and children from national …

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Women Burn Fat Even After Menopause

Women Burn Fat Even After Menopause

The estrogen deficiency following menopause is thought to impair women’s ability to use fat as an energy source. A study conducted at the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences of the University of Jyväskylä shows that menopausal state or blood estrogen levels do not clearly determine the rate middle-aged women are able to use fat …

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Protein Supplement Helps Control Type 2 Diabetes

Key Diabetes Test Gives Higher Blood Sugar Readings in Black Patients

In a study, which holds the potential for the dietary management of the condition, people with type 2 diabetes drank a pre-made shot before meals that contained a low dose of whey protein. They were monitored for a week as they went about normal daily life. To compare the potential benefits of whey protein, the …

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Researchers Develop New Treatment To Combat Obesity And Heart Disease

Researchers Develop New Treatment To Combat Obesity And Heart Disease

An interdisciplinary research team at The University of Texas at San Antonio has successfully developed an innovative inhibitor that shows promise in fighting obesity and potentially preventing heart disease. Francis Yoshimoto, an assistant professor in the UTSA College of Sciences’ Department of Chemistry, is leading a team that developed an anti-obesity drug that blocks the …

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Close the blinds during sleep to protect your health

Want to reduce your depression risk? Wake up an hour earlier

Close the blinds, draw the curtains and turn off all the lights before bed. Exposure to even moderate ambient lighting during nighttime sleep, compared to sleeping in a dimly lit room, harms your cardiovascular function during sleep and increases your insulin resistance the following morning, reports a new Northwestern Medicine study published March 14 in …

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Food For Thought: A High-Fiber Diet May Reduce Risk Of Dementia

Fiber May Protect Against A Range Of Conditions

We’re always hearing that we should eat more fiber. It’s known to be vitally important for a healthy digestive system and also has cardiovascular benefits like reduced cholesterol. Now, evidence is emerging that fiber is also important for a healthy brain. In a new study published this month in the journal Nutritional Neuroscience, researchers in …

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People With High-Risk Prediabetes Benefit From Intensive Lifestyle Intervention

People With High-Risk Prediabetes Benefit From Intensive Lifestyle Intervention

Intensive lifestyle intervention with plenty of exercise helps people with prediabetes improve their blood glucose levels over a period of years and thus delay or even prevent type 2 diabetes. In particular, individuals with prediabetes at the highest risk benefited from intensive lifestyle intervention. This is shown by the evaluation of the Prediabetes Lifestyle Intervention …

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Glucose Control Is A Key Factor For Reduced Cancer Risk In Obesity And Type 2 Diabetes

Chloroquine Trial Experiencing Heart Complications

Good glucose control is important for the reduction of cancer risk in obesity and type 2 diabetes. Large durable weight loss, as such, appears to afford protection against cancer, but with good glucose control, the number of cancer cases also drops radically, a University of Gothenburg study shows. That obesity is a risk factor for …

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Ditch Your Fear Of “Carbs” And Starch: Keep It Whole

Ditch Your Fear Of “Carbs” And Starch: Keep It Whole

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. There are so many different camps offering conflicting dietary recommendations that some days it seems …

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Study Finds Potential Strategy For Fighting Obesity

Overcoming Weight Loss Plateau

UT Southwestern scientists may have identified a method of safely mimicking the weight-loss benefits of a plant compound that — despite its harmful side effects — hold critical answers to developing therapies for obesity. Celastrol, derived from the root extracts of a white-flowered plant in China, has drawn increased attention in recent years after studies …

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