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Drinking 100% Fruit Juice

Drinking 100% Fruit Juice

A recent study suggests that consuming 100% fruit juice will not significantly impact fasting blood glucose, blood insulin, or insulin resistance in healthy individuals as published in the Journal of Nutritional Science.   The results of this study are consistent of that of prior studies which have shown that the consumption of 100% fruit juice …

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Healthy Diet & Exercise Yield Long-Term Benefits for Diabetes

Healthy Diet & Exercise Yield Long-Term Benefits for Diabetes

Among people with type-2 diabetes, healthy diet options and regular physical activity improve blood glucose control and cardiovascular risk factors. Previous studies have shown that lifestyle interventions can produce short-term improvements in blood glucose levels and cardiovascular disease risk factors in individuals with type-2 diabetes. The Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes) Research Group …

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Citrus Compounds May Reduce Diabetes Risk

Citrus Compounds May Reduce Diabetes Risk

Flavanoids and limonoids derived from citrus help to improve glucose tolerance and modulate cholesterol levels. Type-2 diabetes is among a number of chronic diseases for which the incidence of onset is modifiable, with poor dietary factors contributing to increased risk.  A Canadian research team has found that daily supplementation of citrus-derived flavanoids and limonoids may …

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