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Going For Gold To Reduce Antibiotic Resistance

Tiny Surgeon Robots That Can Make Cuts From Within The Body

Tiny particles of gold could be the new weapon in the fight against bacterial antibiotic resistance, according to research recently published in Chemical Science.  Scientists have been investigating the use of gold nanoclusters — each made up of about 25 atoms of gold — to target and disrupt bacterial cells, making them more susceptible to …

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Scientists Use Nanotechnology To Detect Bone-Healing Stem Cells

Caught In The Crossfire

Researchers at the University of Southampton have developed a new way of using nanomaterials to identify and enrich skeletal stem cells — a discovery which could eventually lead to new treatments for major bone fractures and the repair of lost or damaged bone. Working together, a team of physicists, chemists, and tissue engineering experts used …

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