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Safflower Oil May Help Ward Off Heart Disease

Safflower Oil May Help Ward Off Heart Disease

Daily dose of safflower oil improves cholesterol levels, blood sugar, insulin sensitivity and inflammation, in obese postmenopausal women with Type 2 diabetes. A daily dose of safflower oil, a common cooking oil, for 16 weeks can improve such health measures as good cholesterol, blood sugar, insulin sensitivity and inflammation in obese postmenopausal women who have …

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Cocoa’s Heart Healthy Mechanism Identified

Cocoa Compounds May Promote Healthy Cholesterol Profile

Japanese team reveals novel mechanism by which cocoa boosts HDL “good” cholesterol. A number of previous studies have identified a role for cocoa to exert cardiovascular benefits, most notably via the food’s rich content of antioxidant polyphenols, consumption of which has been shown to boost HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels and decrease LDL (“bad”)cholesterol levels.  Japanese …

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Good Cholesterol May Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk


High levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL; “good” cholesterol) correlate to a reduced risk for Alzheimer’s disease in older adults. Dyslipidemia, where total cholesterol and triglycerides are elevated, often correlates to late-onset Alzheimer’s Disease.  Christiane Reitz, from Columbia University (New York, USA), and colleagues studied 1,130 older adults to examine the association of blood lipid (fat) …

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Higher "Good" Cholesterol May Lower Cancer Risk

Higher "Good" Cholesterol May Lower Cancer Risk

Tufts University (US) researchers find that higher HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels associate with lower cancer risk. In that epidemiologic studies suggest an inverse relationship between serum total cholesterol levels and incident cancer. Haseeb Jafri , from Tufts University School of Medicine (Massachusetts, USA), and colleagues have previously reported that lower levels of LDL (low-density lipoprotein, …

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