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Some Of The Healthiest Juices To Drink

Some Of The Healthiest Juices To Drink

When it comes to health many people are divided over juice, some argue it is too high in sugar while others argue it is a great source for high nutrient content; it appears as if juice has become a controversial topic. We’ve collected a few for your review of some of their benefits. Tart bright …

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Avoiding Mosquito Bites

Avoiding Mosquito Bites

There is always one person in a group that always get bitten, no matter what, and to be honest that person is me. I say this is because I’m naturally sweet and obviously better than everyone else around me in a joking manner. Due to this I am willing to try just about anything, and …

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Dietitian Approved Foods That May Help You Sleep

Dietitian Approved Foods That May Help You Sleep

Getting enough sleep helps one feel energized and ready for the day, sleep is essential for a variety of health outcomes. But it is not always easy to go to sleep and remain that way due to factors such as stress, anxiety, caffeine, noise, and blue light exposure among others. Some believe that what you …

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High-Tech Grapefruit

High-Tech Grapefruit

Nanoparticles derived from natural lipids present in grapefruit may be deployed as novel drug delivery vehicles. Nanotechnology offers a wide potential for medical therapeutics – specifically with regard to delivery applications. Qilong Wang, from the Louisville Veterans Administration Medical Center (Kentucky, USA), and colleagues have devised nanoparticles made of grapefruit-derived lipids, which the authors referred …

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Grapefruit Compound May Intervene in Diabetes

Grapefruit Compound May Intervene in Diabetes

Grapefruit is high in naringenin, an antioxidant compound, which assists the liver to break down fat while increasing insulin sensitivity. Naringenin is an antioxidant compound present in grapefruit. Previous studies have shown the compound to have cholesterol lowering properties and may ameliorate some of the symptoms associated with diabetes. Yaakov Nahmias, from Hebrew University of …

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