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Green Tea: A Boost For Cognitive Function

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, a best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. In discussions with my patients at the Kahn Center for Cardiac Longevity, a routine …

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Drinking 2+ Cups Of Coffee Daily May Double Risk Of Heart Death In People With Severe Hypertension

Drinking 2+ Cups Of Coffee Daily May Double Risk Of Heart Death In People With Severe Hypertension

Research Highlights: Drinking two or more cups of coffee a day was associated with twice the risk of death from cardiovascular disease among people with severe hypertension compared to non-coffee drinkers, in a study of more than 18,600 men and women in Japan. Drinking only one cup of coffee a day was not associated with …

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Can Drinking Green Tea Lower Blood Sugar Levels?

Gung Ho for Green Tea

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. Most people run to get their first cup of coffee in the AM to start …

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Coffee And Green Tea Linked To Lower Risk Of Death In Those With Diabetes

Hot Tea May Lower Risk Of Glaucoma

According to a study published in the journal BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care drinking green tea and coffee daily is linked with a lower risk of dying from any cause among those with type 2 diabetes, with 4 or more cups of green tea + 2 or more of coffee linked to 63% lower …

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Green Tea for Oral Health

Gung Ho for Green Tea

This article was written by Carol Petersen, RPh, CNP and edited by Michelle Viola, PharmD,  of the Women’s International Pharmacy.  Tea is one of the most popular beverages consumed worldwide, second only to water. A review by Sabu Chacko et al. discusses the studies and observations of green tea in particular as an antibacterial, antiviral, …

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Preventing Muscle Atrophy In Those With Diabetes

Preventing Muscle Atrophy In Those With Diabetes

* 10/2/2019: edited to include “ … rich vitamin E from palm oil …” Those with diabetes are at risk for several health complications including muscle atrophy. A recent study from Texas Tech University published in The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry suggests that taking tocotrienols may help increase skeletal muscle weight and prevent muscle atrophy.  Investigating …

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Chilled Inflammation Fighting Drinks

Chilled Inflammation Fighting Drinks

We all know that green tea can have health benefits that are wide ranging from helping to reduce cholesterol, lower cortisol, and reducing inflammation. For those who don’t want a hot cup of tea sparkling teas are all the rage.  Sparkling teas are basically a mix of soda and tea to produce a cold and …

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Anti-Inflammatory Herbs

Anti-Inflammatory Herbs

Inflammation is important, it helps the body repair damaged tissues, and combat foreign invaders but this phenomenon can also become a silent killer. Inflammation can lead to serious problems, chronic inflammation over time can lead to really serious diseases including arthritis and certain types of cancer; symptoms can include fatigue, sores, pain, fever, and rash. …

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Thermogenics That Best Aid Weight Loss


Nutrient calories are turned into heat energy the body uses to regulate internal temperature by thermogenic agents, taking these agents as supplements may help to reduce weight and maintain a healthy level, thereby lowering the risk of obesity. Often obesity can be traced to problems within adaptive thermogenesis changes which can be adjusted for with …

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Exercise Can Activate Neurons That Boost Metabolism

Exercise Can Activate Neurons That Boost Metabolism

Researchers from the University of Texas have shown the effects of a single workout on metabolism can last for more than just one day, which may possibly be due to changes in brain activity that were induced by exercise, as published in the journal Molecular Metabolism. To arrive at these new findings effects of short …

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