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How Old Is Your Bone Marrow?

How Old Is Your Bone Marrow?

Image: The immunofluorescence image details the morphology and cell composition of a femur from a middle-aged mouse. Credit: Jennifer Trowbridge Human bone marrow is the gelatinous substance within our bones, it is one of the unseen powerhouses in our body, and every day it quietly produces around 500 billion new blood cells. This process is …

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Startup Looks to Use Tobacco Plants to Make Cultured Meat Less Costly

Fish Without The Fish? How BlueNalu Is Changing Seafood

A new startup in Israel called BioBetter wants to use tobacco crops to make cultivated meats (GMO) less expensive. The company plans to use tobacco plants as plant-based growth factors (GFs) required in cellular agriculture, which produces cultivated meat. Cultivated meat is made from animal cells arranged in similar structures as animal tissues to produce …

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Regrowing cartilage in a damaged knee gets closer to fixing arthritis

Regrowing cartilage in a damaged knee gets closer to fixing arthritis

UConn bioengineers successfully regrew cartilage in a rabbit’s knee, a promising hop toward healing joints in humans, they report in the 12 January issue of Science Translational Medicine. Arthritis is a common and painful disease caused by damage to our joints. Normally pads of cartilage cushion those spots. But injuries or age can wear it …

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Growing Blood Vessels

Growing Blood Vessels

Angiogenesis is a major clinical challenge in wound healing and tissue implants, in an attempt to address the issue researchers from Texas A&M University have developed a clay based platform to deliver therapeutic proteins to the body to assist with formation of blood vessels, as published in Advanced Biosystems. Technology has been developed to introduce …

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