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Holiday Drama: De-Escalating Family Conflict

Holiday Drama: De-Escalating Family Conflict

That time of year is upon us once again, many people dread it due to those family gatherings that seem to be a bounty of drama. While some of this may be heavily influenced by alcohol, sometimes people just don’t get along, what’s worse is that family knows just how to push those buttons. Family, …

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Approaching an Addicted Parent (A How-to Guide)

Approaching an Addicted Parent (A How-to Guide)

The power dynamic between a child and a parent can complicate things when the parent is struggling with addiction. But children can be a powerful motivator for a parent to get sober.  Depending on the age of the child, it may be appropriate for them to help their parent who is struggling with addiction. The …

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Understanding the Pros and Cons of Genetic Testing

Bone Marrow Transplant Changes Man’s DNA

In recent years, the field of genetic testing has risen in both prominence and popularity. Through advances in research, science and medical technology, physicians now offer robust genetic screenings to their patients. These screenings can accomplish a variety of things, including helping patients discern their risk for certain diseases and assisting expectant mothers in monitoring …

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